Delegation and authorisation instruments outline who can make particular decisions or exercise particular powers and functions. These instruments provide staff with clarity about the scope of their role and empower them to make decisions to achieve departmental objectives.
The list below outlines legislative instruments of delegation and instruments of authorisation. Departmental staff can search these instruments using the
Legislative delegations and authorisations directory (DoE employees only).
The department also has:
- Finance delegations that outline who can authorise financial transactions on behalf of the department.
Human Resource Delegations Manual (DoE employees only) that documents delegations regarding employment related matters derived from legislation, directives, awards and certified agreements.
Supplementary legislative delegations and authorisations from 1 July 2022
On 1 July 2022 the department’s structure was realigned, resulting in changes to the name and function of some business areas. These supplementary instruments provide a number of the new positions with delegations and authorisations for operational continuity.