
Annual safety assessment procedure

Version number 1.1 | Version effective 07 January 2025
Annual safety assessment procedure




This procedure provides the minimum standard for conducting and managing the Department of Education’s (the department) Annual Safety Assessment (ASA) in schools, education centres and workplaces. The completed ASA will be used to identify corrective and preventative actions to facilitate continuous improvement of health, safety and wellbeing (HSW) performance and reduce HSW risk in schools, education centres and workplaces.


The ASA program is a key component of the department’s Health, Safety and Wellbeing (HSW) assurance processes. It is used to assist schools, education centres and workplaces to measure the implementation of and compliance with the department’s HSW Management System (HSWMS) (DoE employees only). Schools, education centres and workplaces are required to complete an ASA each year. Outcomes of the completed ASA contribute to annual operational planning activities and the prioritisation of resources in individual schools, education centres and workplaces, which will ultimately contribute to improving HSW performance and reducing HSW risks.


All employees

  • Comply with all reasonable instructions provided by their principal or manager in relation to conducting and completing the ASA for their work area
  • Participate in any HSW training as required
  • Contribute to the development, implementation and review of corrective and preventative actions from completed ASAs as required.

Health and safety advisor or delegated person

  • Facilitate the completion of the ASA on behalf of the principal or manager. If the school, education centre or workplace does not have a health and safety advisor (HSA), the principal or manager is to delegate this task to another employee (delegated person)
  • Provide the findings of the ASA to the principal or manager and the school, education centre or workplace HSW committee
  • In consultation with the principal or manager, develop the ASA action plan and assist in the implementation of associated actions
  • Participate in any HSW training as required.

Principals or managers

  • If the school, education centre or workplace does not have a HSA, the principal or manager is to delegate the responsibilities of the HSA within this procedure to another employee
  • Coordinate resources to enable the completion of the ASA
  • Ensure that an ASA is planned, resourced and conducted each calendar year, including the development, approval and completion of the subsequent ASA action plan and associated actions
  • Ensure the maintenance of accurate records related to the identification, assessment and control of hazards and risks
  • Submit the completed ASA to the school, education centre or workplace HSW committee and Organisational Safety and Wellbeing unit (OSW) for recording and actioning.

Regional directors

  • Monitor and ensure that schools, education centres and workplaces within their region complete the ASA each calendar year, develop action plans and complete actions within agreed timeframes.

School, education centre or workplace HSW committees

  • Assist the HSA or delegated person and the principal or manager in planning, conducting and completing the ASA
  • Assist the HSA or delegated person and the principal or manager to develop an ASA action plan to address the findings of the ASA
  • Work with the HSA or delegated person and the principal or manager to implement the ASA action plan
  • Monitor the completion of school, education centre, regional or divisional ASA action plans and associated actions.

Regional health and safety consultants

  • Where required, support schools, education centres and workplaces to facilitate the ASA process and develop corrective and preventative actions.

Organisational Safety and Wellbeing unit, Human Resources Branch

  • Receive and record completed ASAs from schools, education centres and workplaces in a central location
  • Collate and review regional ASA data and report ASA performance as part of the department’s formal HSW performance reporting processes
  • Provide tools and resources to support the completion of the ASA in compliance with HSW assurance processes.


1. Planning and preparing for an ASA

  • The following schools and designated workplaces will complete an ASA each calendar year:
    • Central Office – as a function of the Department’s Health Safety and Wellbeing Committee
    • Each regional office
    • Each school and education centre
  • If the school, education centre or workplace does not have a HSA, the principal or manager will delegate the task of facilitating the completion of the ASA to another employee (delegated person)
  • The principal or manager will plan and identify an appropriate time to conduct the ASA each calendar year. This includes the identification and allocation of time, dates, resources and personnel to conduct or assist in completing the ASA and implement approved actions
  • In consultation with the principal or manager the HSA or delegated person will identify who will be involved in the ASA process. With principal or manager approval, they may allocate certain sections of the ASA to relevant employees (e.g. subject matter experts such as science, industrial technology and design staff, school and agricultural officers)
  • The principal or manager will ensure that an ASA is conducted with follow up actions completed each calendar year
  • The principal or manager will ensure that the HSA or delegated person is provided with sufficient time and resources to conduct the ASA.

2. Conducting the ASA

  • The HSA or delegated person is to facilitate the completion of the ASA by completing the current ASA tool(DoE employees only)
  • The HSA or delegated person must gather information across all twelve criteria within the ASA tool and where relevant, observations, evidence and findings are to be recorded
  • Where necessary, relevant employees are to assist the HSA or delegated person in gathering information for the ASA
  • On completion of the ASA, the HSA or delegated person is to collate the information gathered, and provide the ASA results to the principal or manager.

3. ASA review and approval

  • The principal or manager is to review the completed ASA, complete the Leadership tab (section 12) and finalise and approve the agreed findings and recommendations.
  • The principal or manager is to ensure that the completed ASA is tabled at the school, education centre or workplace HSW committee meeting for review, discussion and to report on completion.

4. ASA action plan development and approval

  • The principal or manager is to develop an ASA action plan (embedded in the ASA tool) (DoE employees only) in consultation with the HSA or delegated person and HSW committee to address the findings and recommendations of the ASA
  • The ASA action plan is to be developed and approved using the department’s ASA tool (DoE employees only), and should include, as a minimum:
    • a list of any issues and instances of non-compliance in the school, education centre or workplace
    • assigned corrective and preventative action(s) for each item and a priority level (P1, P2, P3, P4) for completion, based on the level of risk associated with each issue
    • a person or persons assigned to complete each corrective or preventative action and a nominated date for completion
  • The principal or manager is to approve the final ASA action plan (DoE employees only) prior to implementation.

5. Communicate the outcomes

  • The principal or manager is to communicate the outcomes of the ASA (including the action plan) to all employees at the school, education centre or workplace prior to the completion of the calendar year in which the ASA is conducted

6. Record keeping, monitoring and review

Record keeping

  • The principal or manager of the school, education centre or workplace will ensure that:
    • a local copy of the completed ASAs and associated action plans are retained at the location

Monitor and review implementation of the ASA action plan

  • All ASA action plans are to be monitored and reviewed each quarter, as a minimum, by the:
    • principal or manager;
    • HSA or delegated person; and
    • relevant school, education centre or workplace HSW committee.
  • Items identified through the ASA that are unable to be resolved locally may be referred to the regional HSW committee in accordance with the Health, safety and wellbeing committees procedure
  • Monitoring and review of the ASA action plan is to be a standing agenda item for each HSW committee meeting until all actions have been completed.

7. Annual operational planning and prioritisation of resources

  • Principals and managers are to utilise the outcomes of the ASA to inform HSW aspects of the operational planning process for the school, education centre or workplace for the next calendar year. In particular, the allocation of resources for HSW, scheduling of committee meetings, inspections, hazard and risk reviews, staff training and professional development, maintenance planning, budgeting and broader school, education centre or workplace planning
  • The department’s Organisational Safety and Wellbeing unit will collate ASA data at a department level to inform strategic, department-wide HSW planning and resourcing.




Annual safety assessment

The ASA is a comprehensive local review of a department workplace and its operations to identify compliance with approved health, safety and wellbeing policies and procedures.

The information collected through the ASA process is used to develop an ASA action plan to address HSW issues.

Annual safety assessment action plan

A plan that details corrective and preventative actions to address hazards, risks and other HSW issues identified through inspections, hazard reporting, audits, general observations and other HSW related processes. Included in the Annual Safety Assessment tool is an ASA action plan template located on the Annual Safety Assessment page (DoE employees only).

Delegated person

A position nominated by the principal or manager, in the absence of a HSA to oversee the facilitation of the ASA. While duties may be delegated, the principal or manager retains overall responsibility for the completion of the ASA, action plan and associated actions. 


For the purpose of all HSW procedures, an ‘employee’ is recognised as anyone section 7 of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (Qld) defines as a worker.

A person is a worker if the person carries out work in any capacity for a person conducting a business or undertaking, including work as:

  • an employee
  • a contractor or subcontractor
  • an employee of a contractor or subcontractor
  • an employee of a labour hire company who has been assigned to work in the person’s business or undertaking
  • an outworker
  • an apprentice or trainee
  • a student gaining work experience
  • a volunteer
  • a person of a prescribed class.


An object or situation that has the potential to harm any person, the environment or cause damage to property. Hazards at work may include: noisy machinery, a moving vehicle, chemicals, electricity, a large, leaning tree or pole, working at heights, a repetitive job and violence at the workplace.

Health and safety advisor or delegate

A person who is appointed as a Health and Safety Advisor (HSA) by the principal or manager and has completed HSA training approved by the department. If a HSA has not been appointed then the principal or manager may delegate the task of facilitating the completion of the ASA to another person.

Health, safety and wellbeing committee

A HSW committee facilitates cooperation between the persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) and workers in developing and carrying out measures to ensure health and safety at work.

HSW Management System

A structured approach to managing health, safety and wellbeing risks. It includes documented responsibilities, expectations and key principles to achieve compliance with legislated requirements and department priorities.


An online web based system used to report incidents and record incident information and management actions.

Schools and designated workplaces

The entities listed in this procedure as requiring to complete an ASA on an annual basis. They include:

  • Central Office – as a function of the Department’s Health Safety and Wellbeing Committee
  • Each regional office
  • Each school and education centre.

Reasonable instruction

Doing what a reasonable person would do or instruct on in the circumstance, with regard to aspects such as:

  • the person’s knowledge
  • the person’s role
  • the person’s skills and the resources available to them
  • the person’s qualifications
  • the information the person has, and
  • the consequences to health and safety of a failure for them to act in the circumstances.


The possibility or likelihood that harm (death, injury or illness) might occur when exposed to a hazard. For example, the hazard is an uneven pathway. The risk is the likelihood that a person will sustain and injury through a slip/trip/fall caused by the uneven pathway, and how severe that injury could be.



  • Nil

Other resources

Superseded versions

Previous seven years shown. Minor version updates not included.


Review date

10 March 2023
Attribution-NonCommercial CC BY-NC