Access Agreement
(Continuous Invasive Ventilation)
The agreement between school, parent and the NDIS provider outlining conditions of the access to provide Continuous Invasive Ventilation as NDIS funded support at school during school time.
Note: For students receiving Continuous Invasive Ventilation, one access agreement will cover all Continuous Invasive Ventilation NDIS funded supports at school during school time. Where other NDIS funded supports may be requested to be delivered at school, a separate access agreement not related to Continuous Invasive Ventilation may be required.
Ambulance plan
A plan developed with the Queensland Ambulance Service (QAS) by the specialist medical team which outlines the response by the QAS when called and a script for the school to use when calling for an ambulance. This forms part of the student's NDIS delivered continuous invasive ventilation support and emergency plan.
Children's Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service
Children’s Health Queensland is a specialist state-wide Hospital and Health Service, which delivers a full range of clinical services, tertiary level care and health promotion programs to care for children and young people from across Queensland and northern New South Wales, including the Queensland Children's Hospital
Clinical Nurse Consultant
The department's regional nursing service supervisor.
Medical and personal care equipment that may be single use or have limited life such as suctioning tubes.
Continuous Invasive Ventilation
When a student requires continuous ventilation using a mechanical ventilator. The ventilation is provided through a tube attached to a student’s tracheostomy.
NDIS Continuons Invasive Ventilation Access request
A written request from a parent for NDIS provider personnel to deliver NDIS funded ventilation supports at school, during school time.
Emergency health plan
A plan, included in the NDIS delivered continuous invasive ventilation support and emergency plan which is developed by a health professional that provides step-by-step directions on how to safely manage a predictable medical emergency at school, specific to the student, certain chronic health conditions and the correct use of emergency medication. This plan is developed in consultation with the Clinical Nurse Consultant, State Schools Registered Nurse, student (where appropriate), student's parents, the NDIS provider and other departmental staff is required.
Health professional
A qualified health professional with the relevant skills and knowledge to assess, plan and evaluate management of a student’s health condition. This can be the student’s specialist medical team, treating team, medical practitioner, registered nurse or allied health professional. Health professionals are registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency or eligible for membership with the relevant national professional body.
Health support need
Occurs when a student has a health condition that requires routine, daily or emergency health procedures, or is potentially life-threatening. The health conditions associated with a health support need may include, but are not limited to, asthma, diabetes, anaphylaxis, epilepsy, cystic fibrosis, dysphagia (swallowing difficulties), incontinence (bladder or bowel), adrenal disorders or rare genetic disorders.
NDIS delivered continuous invasive ventilation support and emergency plan
A plan which sets out the processes and safeguards to be implemented to ensure the safety of the student at school incorporating the following: risk assessments; plan for medical emergency, monitoring control measures to manage risks, Medication plan, Emergency health support procedures, Safety checklists, Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan, ambulance plan. The plan is developed by a health professional in consultation with the student, student's parents, the student's specialist medical team, NDIS providers and external and departmental multidisciplinary team.
Mandatory All-Staff Training (MAST)
The MAST key messages guide includes information on responsibilities of contractors, volunteers and visitors to meet their obligations for working ethically, protecting students, working safely, and protecting information.
All contractors, volunteers and visitors must complete the training outlined in the MAST Guide prior to commencing work on school premises.
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
A national scheme, which funds eligible people with permanent disability to access supports for their daily living and enables them to exercise choice and control by engaging providers of their choice.
NDIS provider
An organisation or individual engaged by parents or NDIS Plan Managers to deliver supports funded by the NDIS and included in NDIS Participant Plans.
NDIS provider personnel
The individuals delivering continuous invasive ventilation supports in schools employed by the NDIS provider for that purpose.
Refer to s.10 of the
Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 (Qld) for the meaning of parent.
The Principal or officer in charge of a state educational institution.
School-based induction
Induction means school-based induction provided to all new employees, volunteers and contractors needing to access and work on school premises during school time to meet conditions of access outlined in the Access Agreement (Continuous Invasive Ventilation).
School time
The daily hours during which school operates. In Queensland, most schools hold classes from 9 am to 3 pm Monday to Friday, except for public and school holidays and student-free days. Principals may change school hours to suit local arrangements.
Specialist medical team
The team of qualified health professionals with expertise in the delivery of ventilation and complex medical supports. This will generally be the department of respiratory sleep medicine or Home Ventilation program at the Queensland Children’s Hospital.
State Schools Registered Nurses
Clinical nurses employed by the Department of Education to work in state schools to assist school staff to safely manage the health support needs of students.