
Student management - subclass 500 (schools) visa procedure

Version number 2.0 | Version effective 08 July 2024
Student management - subclass 500 (schools) visa procedure


Education Queensland International staff (EQI staff), school staff, overseas students, EQI homestay providers, parents/Department of Home Affairs (DHA) approved guardians of overseas students and agents.


This procedure supports school staff and EQI staff to monitor and manage an overseas student for the duration of their enrolment, including the management of unpaid fees, enrolment variations, student discipline and cancellation, where required.


EQI monitors and provides support to overseas students regarding variations to enrolment, management of fees, disciplinary suspensions and cancellations throughout the duration of their studies in the International Student Programs (ISP). The standards for student behaviour and program requirements are set out in the ISP standard terms and conditions and the Student code of conduct.

All disciplinary interventions for students in Queensland state schools, including overseas students, are guided by the Student discipline procedure. A school principal's decision to suspend or exclude an overseas student, under the student discipline procedure, must be escalated to EQI for a decision to cancel the overseas student enrolment.

Decisions by the Director, EQI to cancel an overseas student enrolment are detailed in this procedure. However, cancellations due to a breach of the overseas student's visa conditions are outlined separately in the Attendance procedure and the Course progress procedure due to the requirement to observe the external appeal process. The decision by the Director, EQI to cancel enrolment cannot be delegated.

EQI and schools provide ongoing wellbeing support to overseas students throughout their enrolment as per the Supporting students’ mental health and wellbeing procedure. Where an overseas student is under an EQI welfare arrangement, wellbeing is also monitored in accordance with the Welfare management procedure and Homestay provider management procedure.

This procedure aligns with Standard 9 of the National Code of Practice for Provider of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018 (National Code).


Overseas student

  • request assistance from school staff where there are issues affecting enrolment
  • request a variation of enrolment if required
  • comply with intervention strategies implemented by school staff.

Parents/DHA approved guardians

  • notify school immediately about any changes to student details
  • liaise with school staff regarding the student's welfare, behaviour, attendance and progress
  • support the student to meet behavioural and attendance requirements, including any interventions
  • inform school of any compassionate or compelling circumstances that may be impacting the overseas student's behaviour or enrolment
  • ensure welfare, visa and health cover requirements are appropriate for the duration of enrolment when variations to the enrolment occur
  • notify EQI if intending to withdraw from the program.

School staff

  • assist the overseas student with all aspects of their study program including variations to enrolment
  • communicate expected standards of behaviour with student and parent/DHA approved guardian or homestay provider as per the Student code of conduct and the ISP standard terms and conditions
  • monitor and assist students to address mental health, wellbeing and behavioural misconduct
  • liaise with parent/DHA approved relative as well as homestay providers and agents (where applicable) regarding behaviour
  • escalate to school principal where there are concerns for unresolved behavioural issues of an overseas student in line with the Student discipline procedure
  • maintain accurate and up-to-date records.

EQI staff

  • provide advice and support to overseas students and school staff in implementing this procedure
  • monitor payment of invoices and implement debt management processes
  • implement approved variations, including issuing new Confirmation of Enrolment when needed
  • ensure education and appropriate welfare requirements are in place for the duration of enrolment when variations to the enrolment occur
  • cancel an overseas student’s enrolment and report to DHA as directed
  • maintain accurate and up-to-date student records.

School principal (or delegate)

  • decide whether to approve variations to enrolment for the overseas student
  • support school staff to monitor overseas student behaviour and implement interventions in line with the Student discipline procedure
  • escalate concerns and issues regarding overseas student behaviour, including disciplinary decisions, to the Director, EQI
  • re-communicate expected standards of behaviour with student and parent/DHA approved guardian or homestay provider as per the Student code of conduct and the ISP standard terms and conditions.

Director, EQI

  • decide whether to cancel an overseas student’s enrolment and report to DHA
  • provide advice specific to overseas students and support to school principal when disciplinary action is required
  • advise the student and school staff of the relevant timeframes to appeal a decision.


Image 1 :  Process flowchart - Student management

1. Monitor

The purpose of monitoring overseas student enrolments is to identify when an intervention will be required to manage:

  • a variation to the enrolment
  • unsatisfactory behaviour both during school time and under supervision of a homestay provider (where applicable)
  • non-payment of fees
  • cancellation in response to the above points, or if initiated by the student.

Staff must maintain accurate records to support the management of overseas student enrolments, including:

  • EQI staff requests via email for school staff to verify overseas student enrolments each term
  • School staff review and record accurate student contact details including emergency contacts each term in OneSchool
  • EQI staff review any changes to the overseas student OneSchool records and update Provider Registration and International Student Management System (PRISMS).
  • School staff ensure changes to overseas student details, including but not limited to student mobile, homestay details, parent/DHA approved guardian/agent/emergency contact details, are updated in OneSchool as soon as possible and within seven days.

Variations to enrolment

Identify and advise

  • School staff liaise with teaching staff and school guidance officer in relation to a potential variation to the overseas student’s enrolment:
    • determine if a change of year level is required (either initiated by the school, or at the overseas student/parent/DHA approved guardian’s request)
    • identify if an extension or reduction in the course duration is required as an intervention strategy for course progress requirements
    • identify a request for a change of school (to another Queensland Government school) as per the ISP standard terms and conditions
    • liaise with EQI to confirm whether variations to study program will affect the overseas student’s enrolment
    • refer to the Transfer procedure for any requests for transfer to another CRICOS provider.
  • EQI staff liaise with school staff regarding potential variation to enrolment and advise when the overseas student would need a revised Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE).
  • School staff provide advice to overseas student when the CoE revision may be required.


Monitor and support

  • School staff monitor and support overseas student behaviour within both school and accommodation arrangements by:
    • reviewing records in OneSchool regularly to monitor behaviour of each overseas student
    • liaising with class teachers, homestay families and parents/DHA approved guardians to determine if there are any concerns with behaviour of the overseas student
    • identifying when an overseas student is misbehaving as per the Student code of conduct, or the ISP standard terms and conditions and requires intervention, referring to the Student discipline procedure
    • regularly meeting with overseas students to provide opportunities to discuss any concerns in relation to behaviour, study, general health, safety and wellbeing
    • referring issues and concerns to the relevant specialist school staff/services and escalating to the school principal (or delegate) when required.
  • EQI staff provide support and advice to school staff for any concerns relating to the overseas student’s behaviour.
  • School staff remind overseas students of support and requirements covered in Student orientation procedure including but not limited to:
    • available school support services, as required (for example, school-based youth health nurse and/or guidance officer)
    • the limitations and requirements of their student visa conditions.

Payment of fees

Invoice and monitor

  • EQI staff issue an invoice with payment due date for the program fees to the overseas student and parent/guardian prior to the course start date, and monitor receipt of payments.

2. Intervene

  • School staff identify issues and discuss with class teachers, homestay providers or parents/DHA approved guardians and overseas student to ensure appropriate support or intervention is provided, for example:
  • School staff escalate to school principal (or delegate) to determine appropriate intervention strategy, support and specialist staff that may be required where issues relating to the overseas student's enrolment cannot be resolved with minor interventions. 

Variations to enrolment

Request and implement

Any time a variation to enrolment modifies the course length, course type and/or school, EQI is required to issue a new CoE and cancel the previous CoE. Variations to enrolment may be initiated by the student/parent/DHA approved guardian or school staff.

  • Overseas student requests advice about a variation to their enrolment including, but not limited to, making a change to the year level, subject selection, extension of course or change of school.
  • School staff recommend an extension or reduction of course duration (for example, additional High School Preparation or change of year level), if it is in the best interest of the overseas student or as part of the course progress intervention strategy, and:
    • seek endorsement from the school principal (or delegate)
    • notify and seek approval of the overseas student/parent/DHA approved guardian of the recommendation and advise them to contact DHA to determine if the variation to enrolment length will impact the student's visa.
  • Overseas student submits a Variation of enrolment request form.
  • School principal (or delegate) decides whether to endorse the request to make a variation to the overseas student enrolment (either by the overseas student/parent/DHA approved guardian or school staff), within five days of receiving the request form and:
    • consider the requirements under the enrolment change request section of the ISP standard terms and conditions, noting for change of school requests, a decision is required from both the current school and new school principals (or delegates)
    • if endorsed, school staff notify EQI to amend the Enrolment agreement, if school principal (or delegate) endorses the course duration variation and advise of the timeframe
    • if not endorsed school staff inform the overseas student, provide reasons for the school principal (or delegate) non-endorsement, and refer the overseas student to the Complaints and appeals procedure.
  • EQI staff liaise with school staff to determine if the changes to subject selections or year level will affect the end date of the overseas student’s CoE. Where a variation to enrolment has modified the course length, course type and/or school, EQI staff issue a new CoE and cancel the previous CoE.
  • EQI staff issue an invoice for variation of enrolment administrative fees to the overseas student and parent/DHA approved relative.
  • EQI staff direct staff to advise the overseas student, parent/DHA approved relative that they must contact DHA to seek advice about any possible effect on their student visa or guardian visa, if applicable, where the duration of an overseas student’s enrolment is likely to vary.

Implement approved variation

  • Where a reduction or extension of the overseas student’s course length or change of school is approved (before or after the student’s visa is granted) and within seven days of the decision, EQI staff:
    • revise the enrolment and Enrolment agreement in the international student records, along with invoices (if required), and issue via email to the parent/DHA approved guardian or agent
    • advise the overseas student and parent/DHA approved guardian to contact Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) provider regarding any reduction to the period of cover and OSHC refund, if applicable
    • email copies of updated documents (if applicable) to the parent/DHA approved guardian or agent
    • notify school staff
    • ask the overseas student/parent or DHA approved guardian to complete the ISP refund request form, if eligible for a refund
    • review and assess the refund request in line with the ISP standard terms and conditions
    • issue any payment receipt, if applicable
    • revise the CoE, welfare arrangements and OSHC in PRISMS and within 31 days.
  • Parent/DHA approved guardian ensures the overseas student visa, welfare arrangements and Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) requirements are updated where necessary to cover for the duration of enrolment when variations to the enrolment have occurred.


Identify and intervene

Unsatisfactory behaviour is managed under the Student discipline procedure and supported by the Supporting students mental health and wellbeing procedure.

  • School staff identify when the overseas student’s behaviour does not align with the Student code of conduct, the ISP standard terms and conditions and if applicable, homestay rules, but does not warrant escalation to the school principal or urgent referral to the Director, EQI:
    • discuss the overseas student’s behaviour, referring to the school’s rules, Student code of conduct, the ISP standard terms and conditions and potential consequences for misbehaviour (for example, enrolment may be cancelled, which could result in their visa being cancelled)
    • develop and implement an intervention strategy to support the overseas student to improve their behaviour 
    • inform the parent/guardian or homestay provider (as applicable).
  • School staff escalate to the school principal, as per school’s processes, if the overseas student’s behaviour does not improve or requires a disciplinary consequence.
  • Where the overseas student requires an intervention for unsatisfactory behaviour or a disciplinary consequence for misconduct (for example, homestay misconduct), the school principal (or delegate):
    • issues an ISP behaviour warning letter to the overseas student outlining what actions need to be taken
    • meets with the overseas student and (if possible) parent/DHA approved guardian or homestay provider to discuss wellbeing concerns or unsatisfactory behaviour, reinforcing the ISP standard terms and conditions and the consequences for non-compliance and/or the welfare implications when wellbeing is at risk. If the overseas student’s parent/DHA approved guardian or homestay provider is unable to attend meeting, the school principal can meet with the overseas student and liaise with the parent/DHA approved guardian after the meeting.
    • reviews intervention strategies that are in place to ensure they are still appropriate and adjust if required.
  • School principal decides on the disciplinary consequence as per Student discipline procedure.
  • School staff inform the parent/guardian or homestay provider (if applicable) of any disciplinary consequence.

Payment of fees

Unpaid fees

EQI issues an invoice for tuition fees and non-tuition fees periodically (usually twice a year) for the duration of an ongoing enrolment. When there is a failure to pay fees by the due date, and all reasonable efforts have been made to contact the parents/DHA approved family and agent (where applicable), EQI may cancel the enrolment.

Issue notices

To manage timely payments of the full overseas student fees, EQI follows the process below:

  • EQI staff issue an invoice for the overseas student fees to the parent/DHA approved family or agent according to the invoice schedule, update records and where applicable:
    • Courtesy reminder notice: 14 working days prior to the payment due date if no payment or the full payment is not received, issue a reminder notice (CM 24/3870, DoE employees only)
    • Final notice: 5 working days after the date of the due payment, if the full payment has not been received, issue a final notice (CM 24/3878 DoE employees only), including the details for a debt management plan. Allow 7 working days for a response to the final notice and if a response has been received to request an extension to the due date, proceed to debt management request
    • Failure to pay overdue fees: 20 working days after the final payment due date (this will be either the original due date or the negotiated final due date from a debt management process) if the full payment is not received or where no response has been received from the parents/DHA approved guardian, EQI staff escalates to Director, EQI to proceed to escalate, non-payment of fees.

Debt management request

EQI may consider compassionate circumstances to arrange a debt management plan for the unpaid fees if the request is made before, or within 7 working days of, the final notice.  Requests for further extensions will not be accepted where there has been a previous failure to meet an agreed payment due date.

  • A debt management plan may be comprised of:
    • an extension to the current invoice, that must be paid in full at a negotiated final due date; or
    • agreed sums paid on a schedule that must conclude prior to the next invoice cycle.
  • Within 7 working days of the date of the final notice letter, parent/DHA approved guardian or agent:
    • requests a debt management plan
    • provides evidence of compassionate circumstances that they wish to be considered by EQI.
  • EQI staff considers any compassionate circumstances sufficient to grant debt management plan, and makes a decision before 20 working days after the final payment due date.
  • If the decision is not to grant a debt management plan:
    • the EQI staff advises the parent of the decision and refer the overseas student to the Complaints and appeals procedure
    • EQI continue as per the failure to pay overdue fees step above.
  • If the decision is to grant a debt management plan:
    • determine the details of the debt management plan in consultation with parent/DHA approved guardian (and agent, if required)
    • implement a debt management plan that includes a final due date
    • notify the parent, agent, school principal and EQI staff.
  • EQI staff monitor for receipt of payments according to the extended due date and where there is a failure to follow an agreed debt management plan, and the full payment has not been received 20 days after the final due date, proceed to escalate, non-payment of fees.

3. Escalate


Unsatisfactory behaviour and disciplinary action

School principal liaises with the overseas student and relevant school staff to monitor their behaviour after an intervention has been made and strategies to improve put in place.  Where the school principal advises that behaviour continues to present a risk or decides to suspend or exclude an overseas student in line with the Student discipline procedure, the Director, EQI may also decide to cancel the overseas student enrolment.

Monitor behaviour

  • School staff ensures:
    • attendance is monitored and recorded as per Attendance procedure 
    • course progress is monitored as per the Course progress procedure  
    • student’s behaviour is closely monitored and the school principal is informed
    • homestay provider (if relevant) is informed about the overseas student’s behaviour and any interventions
    • all interventions, communication and updates relating to the overseas student behaviour is recorded in OneSchool.

Unsatisfactory behaviour and disciplinary action

  • School principal considerers disciplinary action in accordance with the Student discipline procedure, where an overseas student's behaviour:
    • continues to present a risk
    • does not improve after intervention
    • requires immediate disciplinary action (such as suspension or exclusion).
  • School principal escalates to the Director, EQI by sending an email to and must include:
    • “(student name), unsatisfactory behaviour, (school name)” in subject line of email
    • an indication of whether the referral is about an urgent intervention required
    • evidence of school's Student code of conduct breaches and breaches of the ISP standard terms and conditions 
    • a list of all relevant evidence, in chronological order, in the body of email (for example, written requests to attend meetings with school staff, OneSchool records of contact, witness statements and the student's statement, meeting notes, any proof of compassionate or compelling circumstances)
    • any relevant documents which are not in OneSchool at the time attached/detailed
    • evidence that the school has complied with this procedure, the Student discipline procedure and any other relevant procedures.
  • School principal, in the case of an overseas student disciplinary absence, advise school staff to follow the Roll marking in state schools procedure, and ensure appropriate supervision requirements are in place as per the DoE Student discipline procedure, Welfare management procedure and the DEi student homestay placement procedure.
  • School staff to follow instruction as advised by the school principal regarding overseas student disciplinary absence. 
  • Director, EQI considers whether the overseas student’s enrolment should be cancelled and decides within five working days of receiving a notification from the school principal regarding unsatisfactory behaviour based on the evidence provided:
    • of the overseas student’s wellbeing being at risk
    • of unsatisfactory behaviour
    • actions taken in line with this procedure and the Student discipline procedure and any other relevant procedures.

Payment of fees

Non-payment of fees

  • Where fees are not paid in full by the agreed final due date, EQI staff escalate to Director, EQI for non-payment of overdue fees.
  • Director, EQI, within five working days of receiving notification of unpaid overdue fees:
    • decides to issue an Intention to cancel enrolment letter (CM 24/346432 - DoE employees only) notice to the overseas student, parent, school and agent (where applicable), notifying the parent/DHA approved guardian, agent (if applicable), relevant EQI staff and school principal
    • refers the overseas student/parent/DHA approved guardian to their appeal rights, as per the Complaints and appeals procedure.

4. Cancel

Student initiated process

EQI staff assist with overseas student requests to cancel their enrolment. As the overseas student has initiated this request, the appeals process is not necessary. EQI staff:

  • ensure written or email parental approval
  • refer to the Transfer procedure where the overseas student seeks to cancel their enrolment with EQI and change to a different CRICOS provider.

EQI initiated process

For cancellations due to unsatisfactory course progress or attendance that do not involve behavioural misconduct, refer to the Course progress procedure and Attendance procedure.

Where the decision about cancellation includes both behavioural misconduct and either or both unsatisfactory course progress and attendance, the Director, EQI:

Where the decision is not to cancel

  • Director, EQI issues a Decision not to cancel enrolment letter (CM 24/347985 - DoE employees only) to overseas student and parent, notifying DHA approved guardian and agent (where applicable)
  • Director, EQI informs the school principal.

Where the decision is to cancel

  • Director, EQI issues a Notice of intention to cancel enrolment letter (CM 24/346432  - DoE employees only) to the overseas student and parent, notifying the DHA approved guardian and agent (where applicable) and:
    • refers the overseas student/parent/DHA approved guardian to their appeal rights, as per the Complaints and appeals procedure 
    • where evidence shows that the overseas student’s health or wellbeing, or the wellbeing of others is likely to be at risk, notifies that the cancellation is immediate and takes action as per the Welfare management procedure 
    • where the cancellation is not immediate, directs school staff to maintain the overseas student enrolment in OneSchool and EQI welfare arrangements (if applicable) until the internal appeal process is complete in line with the Complaints and appeals procedure.
  • EQI staff notify the school principal and school staff of the decision of Director, EQI to cancel.
  • School staff:
    • maintain the overseas student’s enrolment in OneSchool,
    • refer to the Welfare management procedure to ensure that safe and appropriate arrangements are in place for the overseas student during the internal appeal process and until departure where the overseas student is in a homestay arrangement.

Cancellation of enrolment

  • Under this procedure, EQI is not required to wait for the internal appeals process to be completed before notifying the DHA of cancellation of enrolment if the overseas student’s health or wellbeing, or the wellbeing of others is likely to be at risk. If this risk is not a consideration, the Director, EQI instructs EQI staff to notify DHA of the cancellation of enrolment where:
    • the overseas student requests the cancellation, or;
    • no appeal is lodged, or;
    • an appeal is withdrawn, or;
    • the internal appeal is unsuccessful.
  • EQI staff inform the overseas student of the need to seek advice from DHA on the potential impact on their student visa.
  • School staff finalise and issue any outstanding school reports to the overseas student.
  • EQI staff cancel the overseas student’s enrolment record/s in the international student records system (ISMS) and notify school once completed.
  • School staff cancel the overseas student’s enrolment in OneSchool.
  • EQI staff notify DHA via PRISMS, promptly, and within 14 days (of the Director, EQI instruction), that the overseas student’s enrolment is cancelled.
  • EQI staff:
    • ask the overseas student/parent/DHA approved guardian to complete the ISP refund request form, if eligible for a refund
    • review and assess the refund request in line with the refund policy as outlined in the ISP standard terms and conditions   
    • give notice of any refund to overseas student/parent/DHA approved guardian within 7 days of the repayment.





Education agent is a person or organisation (in or outside Australia) who EQI has entered into a written agreement with to formally represent it to recruit overseas students for EQI programs.

Compassionate or compelling circumstances

Compassionate circumstances are circumstances which have had a negative impact on the overseas students, and EQI have assessed:

  • are not in the student's control; and
  • adversely impact on the student's welfare or course progress (for example, illness, bereavement or traumatic events may qualify).

Compelling circumstances are circumstances which the student would like EQI to consider will be for your benefit.

Circumstances which, are not compassionate or compelling under this agreement include:

  • those that are created by the student's own actions or are within their control;
  • non-payment of fees;
  • exclusion from the student's school due to disciplinary consequences; and
  • situations where the student's health or wellbeing, or the wellbeing of others, is likely to be at risk.

Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE)

A document, provided electronically, which is issued by EQI to intending overseas students and which must accompany their application for a student visa. It confirms the overseas student’s eligibility to enrol in a particular EQI course. It is evidence of the student's course and duration of study in a nominated Queensland state school.


For Principal delegates: A classified officer (for example heads of department and deputy principals) nominated by the school principal who is authorised to make some International Student Program decisions on the principal's behalf.

DHA approved guardian

A parent, legal custodian or a relative over 21 years old approved by the DHA to be responsible for the accommodation and welfare of overseas students under the age of 18 years.

Enrolment agreement

A written agreement outlining the course offered to the student which includes standard terms and conditions, an initial invoice and statement of fees. The written agreement must be signed by the overseas student as well as parents or legal custodians to confirm their acceptance of the course offered.


Education Queensland International (EQI) is the trading name of the Queensland Government Department of Education used by commercial business units within Department of Education International (DEi).

EQI school

For International Student Programs: Queensland state schools accredited by EQI to deliver international student programs.

EQI staff

Department of Education (DoE) employees working in Department of Education International (DEi), trading as Education Queensland International (EQI). Employees from the following units include but are not limited to:

  • International Student Programs (ISP)
  • Corporate Services
  • Officer of the Executive Director.

Homestay provider

Homestay provider is a person registered to deliver accommodation services and have been approved to provide supported and supervised in-home accommodation where food and shelter and a safe, caring and supportive home environment is provided to an overseas student. Homestay is arranged by schools, ISP and the DEi staff.

For International Student Programs: when overseas student accommodation has been arranged for student visa 500 holders; EQI is responsible for the welfare of the overseas student at all times, including outside school hours.

International Student Programs

A study pathway that offers overseas students the opportunity to study within a Queensland state school with dedicated support services to meet individual student needs. International Student Programs include a variety of different study options.


The Queensland Government Department of Education's comprehensive software suite that Queensland state schools use to run safe, secure, sustainable and consistent reporting and administrative processes. Its features cover a wide range of school operations (DoE employees only).

Overseas student

A person (whether within or outside Australia) who holds a student visa subclass 500 (school sector) enrolled in an EQI course.


A parent, of a child, is any of the following persons:

  • the child’s mother;
  • the child’s father;
  • a person who exercises parental responsibility for the child.

School staff

Employees of EQI schools with responsibilities to support overseas students. For example – international student coordinator, homestay coordinator, guidance officer, specialist staff, EALD support staff, head of department, line manager, deputy principal, accredited officer (study tours).

Student code of conduct

A document developed by every Queensland state school outlining the school's behaviour policy. The overseas student agrees to adhere to their school's standards of behaviour outlined in the document as a condition of their enrolment.



  • Nil

Other resources

Superseded versions

Previous seven years shown. Minor version updates not included.

1.0 Ongoing enrolment – subclass 500 (schools) visa procedure

Review date

08 July 2027
Attribution CC BY