
Temporary Resident Admissions procedure

Version number 1.3 | Version effective 14 December 2022
Temporary Resident Admissions procedure


Temporary visa holders with Kindergarten to Year 12 (K-12) aged dependants who wish to enrol or have enrolled their dependants in a Queensland state school or in a State Delivered Kindergarten, Department of Education International (DEi) staff, Queensland state schools' staff and principals.


This procedure outlines the steps followed:

  • apply to enrol in Queensland state schools as a K-12 aged dependant of a temporary visa holder 
  • assess and approve applications to enrol as a K-12 aged dependant of a temporary visa holder 
  • enrol dependants of a temporary visa holder 
  • monitor eligibility of enrolment for a K-12 aged dependant of a temporary visa holder.


The Department of Education International (DEi) ensures the dependants of temporary visa holders satisfy Department of Education (DoE) requirements for enrolling in Queensland state schools. These requirements are outlined in the TRA policy, TRA Application for authority to enrol form and the TRA terms and conditions of application.

DEi, on behalf of DoE assesses the TRA Application for authority to enrol form and issues successful applicants an Authority to enrol (ATE) to confirm financial capacity and eligibility to apply to enrol at a state school.

After receiving the ATE, temporary visa holders must apply to enrol their child at a state school in accordance with the DoE Enrolment in state primary, secondary and special schools procedure. Enrolments are monitored and actions are taken by DEi to ensure dependants of temporary visa holders remain compliant with the TRA policy and TRA terms and conditions of enrolment.

Changes to a dependant child’s enrolment (e.g. a change of visa subclass or school) may require the submission of a new TRA Application for authority to enrol form as per the TRA terms and conditions of application.

DEi takes financial hardship and significant financial hardship into consideration as specified in the TRA payment plan fact sheet and Guideline for assessing temporary resident admission fee waiver applications and in accordance with the TRA policy, Fee waiver procedure and DoE Debt management procedure

Temporary visa holders can make a complaint if they are dissatisfied with the service or action of a school, the department or its staff.  DEi manages customer complaints in accordance with the DoE Customer complaints management framework (CCMF).


Temporary visa holder

  • provide accurate information and documentation as per the checklist on the TRA Application for authority to enrol form
  • agree to the TRA terms and conditions of application
  • notify DEi of changes to the dependant child’s enrolment or parent’s temporary visa status
  • ensure invoices are paid as required as per TRA fees and the TRA terms and conditions of application
  • ensure any prior debt to DoE is paid prior to submitting the TRA application for authority to enrol form.

DEi staff

  • assess and process TRA application for authority to enrol in accordance with the TRA terms and conditions of application
  • issue successful applications with an ATE and a School acceptance form 
  • provide advice and support to school staff to implement this procedure
  • ensure the dependant child’s DEi student records are accurate and up-to-date
  • manage fees and payments in accordance with the TRA terms and conditions of application
  • manage refunds in accordance with the TRA terms and conditions of application and the TRA application for a refund form
  • manage requests to withdraw the dependant child’s enrolment in accordance with the TRA terms and conditions of application
  • manage requests to temporarily remove a dependant child’s enrolment in accordance with the TRA terms and conditions of application
  • monitor and manage enrolment in line with the TRA policy and TRA terms and conditions of application
  • document decisions made in relation to TRA applications with a poor credit history which DEi has accepted on behalf of DoE. 
  • manage complaints in accordance with the DoE CCMF
  • maintain Education Queensland International (EQI) client service standards.

Corporate Services, DEi

Principal or delegate

  • determine capacity to enrol dependants of temporary visa holders in accordance with the TRA policy, Enrolment in state primary, secondary and special schools procedure and the school’s Enrolment Management Plan
  • ensure the dependant child’s visa status and enrolment details are updated and maintained in OneSchool
  • conduct enrolment verification as instructed by DEi
  • notify DEi of child’s commencement of study and any changes to the student’s enrolment.

Director, International Student Programs (ISP), EQI

  • implement decisions that support DoE requirements for enrolling or registering temporary residents holding dependant, bridging and visitor visas, as outlined in the TRA policy
  • ensure DEi staff are properly trained and aware of DEi requirements for enrolling or registering dependants of temporary visa holders in line with the TRA Application for authority to enrol form and TRA terms and conditions of application.


1. Apply 2. Assess 3. Decide 4. Enrol/Register 5. Monitor eligibility

1. Apply

Temporary visa holder

DEi staff

  • acknowledge receipt of the TRA Application for authority to enrol form
  • request further information if necessary (such as incomplete application details), via email.

2. Assess

DEi staff

  • assess the TRA Application for authority to enrol form ensuring the application has met TRA requirements:
  • determine if the temporary visa holder has any other current or historic financial arrangements or prior debt with DEi and seek advice from Corporate Services SSRRI, if identified
  • if the application requires additional approval from the Director ISP, EQI (such as, evidence of parental responsibility, prior debt or poor credit history):
    • prepare and send a recommendation to the Director, ISP, EQI including:
      • all supporting evidence attached with the TRA Application for authority to enrol form;  
      • details of previous or current financial arrangements with DEi (if applicable); and
      • supporting statement by Corporate Services SSRRI (if applicable)
      • recommendation of outcome
  • determine the fees payable as per TRA fees and TRA terms and conditions of application.

Corporate services, DEi

Director ISP, EQI

3. Decide

Director ISP, EQI

  • when required, prepare decision letter and notify DEi staff of the outcome.

DEi staff

  • email the temporary visa holder of the application outcome and issue the initial invoice for tuition fees, where necessary
  • issue the decision letter at the request of the Director, ISP, EQI (if applicable).

Temporary visa holder

  • pay the initial invoice for tuition fees as requested by DEi staff and in line with TRA fees and TRA terms and conditions of application.

4. Enrol

DEi staff

  • when financial capacity is confirmed, issue the ATE to the temporary visa holder via email, attaching:
    • the School acceptance form; and
    • receipt of payment for the application fee and initial tuition fees (if applicable).

Temporary visa holder

  • contact the school for an enrolment interview as per the TRA terms and conditions of application and the DoE enrolment procedure.
  • present the ATE and School acceptance form at the enrolment interview along with documentation requested by the Principal or delegate in line with the DoE enrolment procedure.

Principal or delegate

  • ensure the temporary visa holder has been issued an ATE prior to determining capacity to enrol 
  • follow the DoE enrolment procedure and school enrolment management plan (if applicable) to determine eligibility for enrolment and to process the enrolment.
  • inform DEi staff of the dependant child’s commencement of study
  • update OneSchool with the student’s enrolment details and visa classification.

5. Monitor eligibility

Principal or delegate

  • ensure changes to dependant child’s enrolment details and visa classification are current in OneSchool
  • complete enrolment verification (confirmation of student details, including emergency contacts) each term by the allocated due date, as requested by DEI
  • inform DEI of any changes to the student’s enrolment or visa classification, if identified.

DEi staff

  • issue ongoing enrolment invoices via email to the temporary visa holder in line with TRA fees and the TRA terms and conditions of application
  • issue receipts for ongoing enrolment invoices paid by temporary visa holder, as required and in a timely manner
  • request the principal or delegate complete enrolment verification spreadsheet, providing instruction via email each term
    • review enrolment verification spreadsheet completed by the principal or delegate to ensure the dependant child’s DEi student records are accurate and up-to-date
  • where necessary, update the dependant child’s DEi student records and request the principal or delegate to update the dependant child’s OneSchool record
  • process TRA application for a refund in line with the TRA terms and conditions of application
  • process requests to temporarily remove or withdraw a dependant child’s enrolment at a school in line with the TRA terms and conditions of application
  • request the temporary visa holder submit a new TRA application for authority to enrol form where applicable (e.g. changes to the dependant child’s visa subclass) in line with the TRA terms and conditions of application
  • cancel a dependant child’s enrolment at the request of the temporary visa holder in line with the TRA terms and conditions of application
  • cancel a dependant child’s enrolment at the request of the principal or delegate in line with the TRA terms and conditions of application and the DoE Student discipline procedure.

Temporary visa holder

  • notify DEi of any changes to the student’s enrolment or visa status as per the TRA terms and conditions of application
  • notify DEi and the school of a request to withdraw or temporarily remove a dependant child’s enrolment as per the TRA terms and conditions of application
  • pay invoices received by the allocated due date and in line with TRA fees and the TRA terms and conditions of application.

Corporate services, DEi

  • monitor payment of invoices and initiate DoE Debt management procedure if required.
  • notify DEi staff where invoicing changes impact the dependant child’s enrolment or invoicing schedule (e.g. repayment agreements or pending cancellation).




Authority to enrol (ATE)

A letter to confirm the eligibility to apply to enrol at a state school and is evidence of financial capacity.


A school staff member nominated by the principal and is authorised to make some decisions or complete actions related to the dependant child on the principal’s behalf.

Department of Education International (DEi)

The international branch of the Department of Education and employees of DEi.

The Department of Education’s trading name is Education Queensland International (EQI).

Department of Home Affairs (DHA)

Australian government department responsible for immigration.

Dependant child or dependant

A child who is age appropriate to enrol in Kindergarten to Year 12 and named as a dependant on their respective parent’s visa.

Note: DHA may require a dependant who turns 18 during the course of their enrolment to apply for their own student visa.

Enrolment verification

An activity that ensures accurate data quality and up to date record keeping. EQI provides a list of all temporary resident students enrolled with EQI to relevant school staff with a request to verify the student details at the start of every term.

Fee exemption

Dependants of student visa holders may be exempt from the requirement to pay tuition fees for their education (Prep – Year 12) in Queensland state schools. Any exemption only applies for the duration of the primary student visa holder's (parent's) course of study with a Queensland education provider.

Financial hardship

Where a temporary visa holder can provide documented evidences and be assessed to meet the criteria of financial hardship as outlined in the TRA payment plan fact sheet.

State Delivered Kindergarten

Kindergarten programs delivered by approved state schools located at least 40 kilometres by road from the nearest approved kindergarten in a discrete Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community, or other selected communities where there are barriers to accessing kindergarten


A comprehensive program to help Queensland State Schools manage key teaching and school administrative activities. Its features cover a wide range of school operations (DoE employees only).


Refers to definition in s10 Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 (Qld). For a person who is not the father or mother of the child, parental responsibility will be assessed using the Guidelines for assessing parental linkage between a child and an Australian citizen or permanent resident.


A Queensland state school that enrols a school-age child who is either a holder of a tourist visa or a dependant of their parent’s primary visa.

School acceptance form

A template issued by DEi staff with the authority to enrol; to be completed by the Principal or delegate and returned to DEi staff as notification of enrolment at that school.

School staff

Employees of Queensland state schools with responsibilities to support temporary visa holders and their dependent children. For example – Principals and delegates.

Significant financial hardship

Circumstances where a temporary visa holder can provide documented evidence and be assessed to meet the criteria of significant financial hardship as outlined in the Guideline for assessing temporary resident admission fee waiver applications.

Temporarily remove

The voluntary removal of a dependant child enrolled at a school for less than two terms (e.g. holidays or return overseas during the school term) requiring the temporary visa holder to notify the school and DEi (in writing) as per the TRA terms and conditions of application.

Temporary resident

Temporary visa holders and their dependants including; international students, bridging visa holders and visitor or tourist visa holders who are required to apply to DEi to enrol their child in a Queensland state school or a State Delivered Kindergarten.

Temporary resident admissions

A process administered on behalf of the Department of Education by DEi which supports the application, enrolment and monitoring of temporary visa holders in Queensland state schools, predominantly bridging visas, dependants of student visa holders and visitor visas.

Temporary visa

A visa which allows the holder to remain/reside temporarily in Australia until the expiry of the visa.

Temporary visa holder

A parent and/or legal custodian and primary temporary visa holder of a prospective dependant school aged student applying for enrolment in a Queensland state school.


Temporary Resident Admissions, in DEi facilitates the enrolment of school-aged dependants of temporary visa holders.

Tuition fees

Fees received that are directly related to the provision of the course, in accordance to s51 of the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 (Qld).

Visitor visa (also referred to as tourist visa)

A temporary visa that allows the person visit Australia for business or personal purposes for up to 3, 6 or 12 months usually with a maximum 3-month study condition


The voluntary withdrawal of a dependant child enrolled at a school requiring the temporary visa holder to notify DEi and the school in writing as per the TRA terms and conditions of application.



  • Nil

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Superseded versions

Previous seven years shown. Minor version updates not included.


Review date

01 October 2023
Attribution CC BY

Policies and procedures in this group

  • Temporary Resident Admissions procedure (current page)