Policy management framework
Policy management framework and supporting
policy and
procedure guide how the department develops, reviews and manages policies and procedures.
Policies, procedures and supporting documents are key tools that guide our activities, help us manage risk and ensure we meet our legal obligations.
As mandatory instruments, policies and procedures must be followed. Supporting documents are supplementary resources that offer additional support and information.
Policies, procedures and supporting documents work together as part of a hierarchy. A policy provides the ‘why’, while procedures provides the ‘what, ‘when’ and ‘how’ information to explain who has responsibilities and how functions must be performed.
All documents in a hierarchy should be read together, along with any supporting documents, to obtain the full picture of an activity or initiative.
The framework and procedure also help policy and procedure authors to develop and maintain the policies and procedures they publish on the PPR. By following the development and improvement cycle, authors can ensure content is consistent, easy to understand, and kept up to date.
Departmental staff can find more guidance about policy and procedure development on the
Policy and Procedure Register OnePortal page (DoE employees only).