
New and updated policies and procedures


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The following table outlines policies and procedures that have been developed, updated or decommissioned in the last six months. Administrative updates such as hyperlink changes are not included.​

A version number ending in '0' means a full review has been do​ne and the content may have changed significantly. A version number ending in any other number signifies a minor change.

Version effective
Version numberNotes

​Information privacy breach and privacy complaints procedure​
​​This new procedure incorporates information privacy requirements, breaches and complaints in a single procedure, and clarifies processes and requirements. This procedure replaces the Information privacy and right to information procedure. ​For more information see the Summary of changes.
​School-based apprenticeships and traineeships procedure

This procedure has been updated to remove details that are the responsibility of other SAT stakeholders and not the responsibility of the principal. Updated process for travel and accommodation subsidies and tutorial and assistance funding. For more information see the Summary of changes.
​Social media policy

This procedure was updated to provide clearer guidance to employees for using social media in a personal or work capacity on departmental devices, and strengthen focus on accountability, confidentiality, and safe and inclusive environments. ​For more information see the Summary of changes.
​Use of mobile devices procedure

This procedure was updated to require all departmentally owned school and corporate mobile devices be enrolled in Intune or another school-owned Mobile Device Management platform. This was previously strongly recommended. For more information contact​.
​Leasing facilities for early years services procedure

-​​This procedure was decomissioned on 08/02/2024. The Early Childhood Education and Care Assets Leasing Guidelines 2023 was emailed to all lessees. The 2024 revision will be uploaded to the Early Childhood website.
Making changes to school hours procedure
​This procedure has been developed to streamline processes for changing school hours and to create consistency in relation to consultation, approval and implementation. For more information see the Summary of changes.
Preventing and responding to workplace sexual harassment policy and procedure​ ​
The new standalone policy and procedure promote a positive culture of respect and inclusion so that all employees can be safe at work. For more information see the Summary of changes.
Preventing workplace bullying and unlawful discrimination policy​ 
​This policy was updated to remove references to sexual harassment on the launch of the Preventing and responding to workplace sexual harassment policy. For more information see the Summary of changes.
​​Individual employee grievances procedure​ 

​This procedure was updated in relation to requirements of the Preventing and responding to workplace sexual harassment policy and procedure. For more information see the Summary of changes​.​ 
Complaints and grievances management policy
​This new policy provides an overarching picture of the department's complaints mangement processes, and replaces the Customer complaints management policy. For more information see the Summary of changes.
Customer complaints management procedure
3.0​​This procedure has been updated to align with whole of government requirements, including timeframe changes, and strengthen human rights information. For more information see the Summary of changes.
Customer complaints management – Internal review procedure

​This procedure has been updated to align with whole of government requirements, including timeframe changes, and strengthen human rights information. For more information see the Summary of changes.
Managing unreasonable complainant conduct procedure
​This procedure has been updated to allow broader application to different types of complaints, strengthen human rights information​, improve clarity about the termination process, and change the approver of a termination process for divisions. For more information see the Summary of changes
Individual employee grievances policy
​This policy was decommissioned on the 22/01/2024 as it was replaced by the Complaints and grievances management policy. The Individual employee grievances procedure is retained under the new policy.
Exemptions from compulsory schooling and compulsory participation procedure
​This procedure has been updated to clarify aspects of exemptions, including decision-making and ending an exemption early if requested by a parent. For more information see the Summary of changes.
​Managing students' health support needs at school procedure
​This procedure has been updated to reflect requirements for CPR training for staff undertaking student’s health support procedures. The Voluntary undertaking form has also been updated. For more information see the Summary of changes.
ICT asset management procedure
​The ICT asset management procedure has been updated to combine roles, responsibilities and actions that are required across the department. The process stages have been condensed and streamlined and roles and responsibilities have been clarified. For more information see the Summary of changes.
Student use of mobile devices procedure

​This new procedure outlines the responsibilities and processes for managing student use of mobile devices, in line with the new 'Away for the day' requirement for all Queensland state schools from Term 1, 2024. For more details see the Summary of changes​
OneSchool access management and use procedure​
​The procedure content has been updated to reflect the introduction of a digital workflow for Central Office OneSchool user access level reviews, in alignment with the digital access level review workflows introduced earlier into schools and regions. For further details, please see the Summary of changes.
​​Official international travel for business and professional development procedure

​Minor updates require the contact officer to provide the ‘GoSafe Target Market Determination’ document to travellers prior to purchasing travel insurance; and make explicit that an email address for each individual insured (or parent/guardian) is to be provided when purchasing insurance.
International school study tours procedure

​Minor updates require the responsible officer to provide the ‘GoSafe Target Market Determination’ document to parents prior to purchasing travel insurance; and make explicit that an email address for each individual insured (or parent/guardian) is to be provided when purchasing insurance. 
​Criminal history check procedure​
​Minor updates to consent forms to improve accessibility and align with changes to New Zealand legislation.​​
