
Transfer - subclass 500 (schools) visa procedure

Version number 3.0 | Version effective 08 July 2024
Transfer - subclass 500 (schools) visa procedure


Education Queensland International (EQI) staff, school staff, overseas students, parents and Department of Home Affairs (DHA) approved guardians of overseas students and their agents.


This procedure outlines the responsibilities of EQI staff and school staff and the process they follow to manage requests for student withdrawal and transfer to another Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) registered provider.


EQI staff assess written requests from students applying to withdraw enrolment and transfer to a different CRICOS registered provider, and will only approve requests as outlined in the student’s International Student Programs (ISP) standard terms and conditions and in this procedure.

This procedure aligns with Standard 7 of the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018 (National Code).

Overseas students seeking to transfer from another CRICOS provider to an EQI school (incoming transfer) are required to complete a minimum of six months of their principal course (course), which applies to their first registered school sector course, prior to EQI accepting enrolment, except in certain circumstances as per the Key Requirements section of the National Code - Standard 7: Overseas student transfers. Incoming transfer requests are required to enter the program via the regular application process and should refer to Enrolment procedure.

Requests to transfer from an EQI school to another EQI school (variation of enrolment) should refer to Student management procedure.

This procedure is to be read in conjunction with:


All staff

  • Maintain accurate and up-to-date records in OneSchool and EQI electronic document and records management system.

School staff

  • Counsel and support overseas students who seek to transfer.

EQI staff

  • Manage and make decisions on transfer requests.
  • Provide advice and support to school staff implementing this procedure.

School principal (or delegate)

  • Ensure school staff and teaching staff take appropriate action within a timely manner to support overseas student transfers.


Image 1 : Process - Student transfer

1. Apply

Requests to transfer to another EQI school is considered a variation of enrolment as per the (ISP) standard terms and conditions (Enrolment change request policy) and should follow the process in the Student management procedure.

  • Overseas students complete six months of principal course (first registered school sector course), before requesting to withdraw and transfer to another CRICOS provider. Release or acceptance before the six months will be considered as per the (ISP) standard terms and conditions (Transfer policy).
  • EQI staff identify requests for incoming transfers and process as per the Enrolment procedure.
  • School staff and overseas student discuss reason for transfer to determine if actions or interventions are required to solve issues.
  • School staff establish intervention actions and timeframe to revise issues, if required.
  • School staff assist the overseas student to complete the ISP student transfer request form where issues were not resolved.
  • Overseas student ensures:
    • a valid enrolment offer from another CRICOS provider (for example, a private school) has been made
    • parent or DHA approved guardian has confirmed in writing that they support the transfer.
  • School staff advise school principal (or delegate) by email of an overseas student request to make a transfer to another CRICOS provider.
  • School staff submit the ISP student transfer request form to EQI staff by lodging via email to including "School transfer request" in the subject line for processing.

2. Assess

  • EQI staff assess the transfer request as soon as practicable, noting that assessment must be completed within 10 working days.
  • EQI staff liaise with parent/agent or DHA approved guardian and school staff to confirm the overseas student’s departure date.
  • EQI staff confirm accommodation and welfare arrangements (for example, homestay) with the new CRICOS provider, determine proposed transfer dates, and confirm sufficient time for the transfer to be assessed and processed in line with the Welfare management procedure.
  • EQI staff check there is evidence to support the transfer including:
    • a valid offer of enrolment has been made by the new CRICOS provider
    • if the overseas student is in homestay, notice that the new provider accepts responsibility for approving the overseas student’s accommodation and welfare, ensuring no gap between EQI ceasing to provide homestay and the new provider approving the overseas student’s accommodation, support, and general welfare
    • that the overseas student has no outstanding fees. EQI will only release a student to transfer to a new CRICOS provider where there are no unpaid fees pending
    • if a valid offer of enrolment and welfare will be accepted with no gap has been satisfied, EQI staff to proceed with the transfer.
  • EQI staff provide completed documentation to the parent/agent and school staff confirming appropriate arrangements have been made for the overseas student’s accommodation and welfare.
  • If conditions are not met, transfer request will not proceed and this decision cannot be appealed. EQI staff advise student to discuss with new CRICOS provider.

3. Transfer

  • EQI staff ensure overseas student has no outstanding fees.
  • EQI staff ensure residential address, phone number and email address of overseas student are accurate.
  • EQI staff ensure PRISMS data is accurate on the day of transfer, and no later than 14 days after the overseas student transfer has occurred:
    • inform the overseas student of visa obligation to maintain current residential and welfare arrangements until transfer date, or have alternate welfare arrangements approved or return to home country until new approved welfare arrangements take effect
    • advise overseas student to contact DHA to seek advice on whether a new student visa is required
    • process the refund as per the refund policy outlined in the ISP standard terms and conditions, if required.
  • EQI staff finalise the transfer:
    • cancel the overseas student’s Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE), and Confirmation of Appropriate Accommodation and Welfare (CAAW) letter if applicable, and provide the new provider's details using PRISMS where an overseas student has transferred to another CRICOS registered provider, on the day, or no later than 14 days after the overseas student’s welfare changeover has occurred
    • liaise with school staff and new provider to facilitate the transfer
    • notifies school staff of outcome via email.
  • School staff finalise the transfer as per EQI instruction and:
    • refer to the Welfare management procedure to ensure that safe and appropriate arrangements are in place for the overseas student’s departure, if the student is in a homestay arrangement
    • issue any outstanding school reports to the overseas student
    • cancel the overseas student’s enrolment in OneSchool. 





Education agent is a person or organisation (in or outside Australia) who EQI has entered into a written agreement with to formally represent EQI for the purpose of recruiting overseas students to participate in EQI programs.

Compassionate or compelling circumstances

Compassionate circumstances are circumstances which have had a negative impact on the overseas students, and EQI has assessed:

  • are not in the student’s control; and
  • adversely impact on the student’s welfare or course progress (for -example, illness, bereavement or traumatic events may qualify).

Compelling circumstances are circumstances which the student would like EQI to consider will be for their benefit.

Circumstances which, are neither compassionate nor compelling under this agreement include:

  • those that are created by the student’s own actions or are within their control;
  • non-payment of fees;
  • exclusion from the student’s school due to disciplinary consequences; and
  • situations where the student’s health or wellbeing, or the wellbeing of others, is likely to be at risk.

Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE)

A document, provided electronically, which is issued by EQI to intending overseas students and which must accompany their application for a student visa. It confirms the overseas student’s eligibility to enrol in a particular course of EQI. It is evidence of the student's course and duration of study in a nominated Queensland state school.


A program of study registered on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) offered by Department of Education trading as Education Queensland International (EQI).


For Principal delegates: A classified officer (for example head of department or deputy principal) nominated by the school principal who is authorised to make specified International Student Program decisions on the principal's behalf.

Department of Home Affairs (DHA) approved guardian

A parent, legal custodian or a relative over 21 years old approved by the DHA to be responsible for the accommodation and welfare of overseas students under the age of 18 years.

Enrolment agreement

A written agreement outlining the course/s offered to the student by EQI, which includes any applicable conditions, standard terms and conditions of enrolment, an initial invoice and statement of fees. For the agreement to be accepted it must be signed by the overseas student as well as parents or legal custodians and the initial invoice paid in full.

Education Queensland International (EQI)

The trading name of the Queensland Department of Education used by commercial business units within Department of Education International (DEi).

EQI Officer

A Department of Education (DoE) employee working in Department of Education International (DEi), trading as Education Queensland International (EQI) that makes a decision on escalated actions. The EQI officer must be:

  • independent from the EQI staff who escalated the original action; and
  • in a position equal to, or higher than, the EQI staff who escalated the original action and authorised to make decisions, including recommendations, or be nominated by someone with this authority.
  • delegated by the Director, EQI.

EQI School

For International Student Programs: Queensland state schools accredited by Education Queensland International (EQI) to deliver international student programs.

EQI Staff

Department of Education (DoE) employees working in Department of Education International (DEi), trading as Education Queensland International (EQI). Employees from the following units include but are not limited to:

  • International Student Programs (ISP)
  • Corporate Services
  • Officer of the Executive Director.


Homestay is accommodation services offered by a person (and their residing family) that have been approved to deliver supported and supervised in-home accommodation to an overseas student. Homestay is arranged by schools and DEi staff.

For International Student Programs: when overseas student accommodation has been arranged for student visa 500 holders; EQI is responsible for the welfare of the overseas student at all times, including outside school hours.

Offer of Enrolment

Email package sent to applicant (via education agent if applicable). Package includes the enrolment agreement (including standard terms and conditions, statement of fees, initial invoice) and payment notification form and instructions on how to accept the offer.

Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)

Mandatory insurance cover for student visa holders that can help towards the cost of doctors' visits, hospital stays, medicines, mental health support and emergency support if needed by overseas students while studying in Australia. Exemptions exist for students from Norway, Sweden and Denmark who have a reciprocal government arrangement. Cover must be provided for the entire duration of the student’s visa period.


A parent, of a child, is any of the following persons:

  • the child’s mother;
  • the child’s father;
  • a person who exercises parental responsibility for the child.

Provider Registration International Student Management System (PRISMS)

The national database owned by the Commonwealth Department of Education which all Australian education providers enrolling international students must enter their Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) details.

School staff

Employees of EQI schools with responsibilities to support overseas students. For example – international student coordinator, homestay coordinator, guidance officer, specialist staff, EALD support staff, head of department, line manager, deputy principal, accredited officer (study tours).


If approved by Education Queensland International (EQI), an overseas student enrolled at an EQI school can transfer to another Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) provider (for example a private school).



  • Nil

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Superseded versions

Previous seven years shown. Minor version updates not included.

2.0 Transfer - subclass 500 (schools) visa procedure

Review date

08 July 2027
Attribution CC BY