
Enrolment – subclass 500 (schools) visa procedure

​An updated version of this procedure and supporting information will be effective on 08/07/2024. You can preview the content in the Upcoming version section below.

Version number 2.4 | Version effective 07 December 2023
Enrolment – subclass 500 (schools) visa procedure


Education Queensland International (EQI), EQI staff, school staff, Overseas students, EQI homestay providers, parents/Department of Home Affairs (DHA) approved guardians of Overseas students and their agents.


To outline the steps followed to apply, assess applications to enrol, and approve applicants in International Student Programs (ISP) registered courses, as well as to report the necessary information for the safe arrival and collection of Overseas students onshore.

This procedure also includes the steps required for the applicant to apply to defer an enrolment prior to arrival, due to compassionate or compelling reasons.


EQI staff assess all applications to enrol in ISP to ensure that academic requirements to enter the program (where applicable) are met. Enrolment is formalised when the applicant accepts an Offer of enrolment and the Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) is issued, along with the Confirmation of Appropriate Accommodation and Welfare (CAAW) letter (if applicable).

After the CoE has been issued, there may be compassionate and compelling reasons that require an applicant to apply for a deferral of commencement prior to arrival.

EQI and schools must also collect the necessary information for the arrival and reception of Overseas students onshore. This is integral to ensuring Overseas student safety and a positive experience for them on arrival.

In circumstances where arrival detail changes are identified or other emergency assistance is required outside of school hours (before 9.00 am and after 3.00 pm on school days, and 24 hours during weekends, public holidays and school vacations), parents, Overseas students, DHA approved guardians, agents and homestay providers should call 1800 QSTUDY (1800 778 839) to seek emergency over-the-phone assistance, including for Overseas student reception, and transport for the Overseas student on arrival. For further information please refer to theDEi incident management procedure.



School staff

  • ensure links to essential information regarding school policy and procedures and non-tuition fees are available on the international tab of the school website
  • provide Overseas student with pre-arrival orientation information as per the Student orientation – subclass 500 (schools) visa procedure
  • oversee enrolment capacity and homestay capacity and inform EQI of any changes and or inability to meet Overseas student placement requests
  • ensure Overseas student is recorded as a future Overseas student in OneSchool prior to arrival
  • ensure Overseas student arrival and contact details are recorded in OneSchool prior to arrival
  • prepare to greet and transport Overseas students arriving onshore or transferring from another provider as per the Change of welfare – subclass 500 (schools) visa procedure (where required).

EQI staff

  • ensure the EQI website includes supporting links to information regarding visa eligibility and conditions, curriculum requirements and expected course pathways, and course and program requirements and ISP schools’ websites
  • assess applications for enrolment in line with the Client service standards and the ISP entry and course requirements standard
  • issue Offers of enrolment
  • formalise enrolment by issuing a CoE
  • issue CAAW letter, if the Overseas student will be in homestay
  • assess Overseas student transfer request from another CRICOS provider in line with ISP policy and the ISP standard terms and conditions
  • negotiate transfer date for welfare arrangements for Overseas students transferring to EQI from another CRICOS provider, ensuring there are no gaps in welfare
  • provide advice and support to school staff implementing this procedure
  • maintain accurate and up-to-date records
  • assess and notify applicant of the ISP request to defer commencement form decision
  • report the deferral of an Overseas student’s enrolment to the Australian Government via the Provider Registration and International Student Management System (PRISMS).

DHA approved guardian

  • provide EQI and destination school with an onshore address and contact details within seven days of arriving in Australia (permanent or temporary details)
  • advise EQI of any changes to these contact details.


Process flowchart showing main steps 1 Apply 2 Assess  3 Approve 4 Arrive  

Image 1 Process flow chart

1. Apply


EQI staff

2. Assess

EQI staff

  • assess application in line with ISP entry and course requirement standard and Student visa subclass 500 eligibility requirements
  • contact applicant’s preferred schools as outlined on the Application form (that is, schools will be contacted in order of preference, where the applicant’s first preference/s may not be available)
    • confirm availability in relation to overall capacity, year level, homestay (if required), subject requirements and adjustments (if required)
  • confirm via the international student management system whether the applicant has a debt owing to EQI or the Department of Education
    • where a debt is identified, reissue the outstanding invoice to the applicant via email advising that a new enrolment cannot be actioned until any previous debt has been cleared
  • confirm if the applicant is transferring to an EQI school from another CRICOS registered provider and ensure the applicant is eligible for transfer as per ISP entry and course requirement standard.

Application unsuccessful

  • notify applicant, via email, if application is unsuccessful for any reason.

School staff

  • respond to EQI requests, ensuring the school has the appropriate capacity and facilities to meet homestay (if required), subject requirements and other adjustments due to medical, disability, and specific learning needs of applicant.

3. Approve

EQI staff

Application successful – offer of enrolment

  • issue Offer of enrolment via email to student/parent, via education agent (if applicable), attaching:
    • Enrolment agreement (including Standard terms and conditions, Statement of fees, Initial invoice) and Payment notification form.
  • ensure the Enrolment agreement, in plain English, records:
    • the course or courses in which the student is to be enrolled, the expected course start date, the location(s) at which the course will be delivered, the offered modes of study for the course, including compulsory online and/or work-based training, placements, and/or other community-based learning and/or collaborative research training arrangements;
    • any prerequisites necessary to enter the course or courses, including English language requirements
    • any conditions imposed on the student’s enrolment
    • all tuition fees payable by the student for the course, the periods to which those tuition fees relate and payment options (including, if permitted under the ESOS Act, that the student may choose to pay more than 50 per cent of their tuition fees before their course commences)
    • details of any non-tuition fees the student may incur, including as a result of having their study outcomes reassessed, deferral of study, fees for late payment of tuition fees, or other circumstances in which additional fees may apply
    • the circumstances in which personal information about the student may be disclosed by the registered provider, the Commonwealth including the TPS, or state or territory agencies, in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988
    • EQI's internal and external complaints and appeals processes.

Offer accepted

  • receive signed Enrolment agreement and evidence of payment (Payment notification form) and save on the Overseas student file
    • advise the applicant via email that enrolment cannot be formalised until all documents have been properly signed and returned or if there are any discrepancies with payment.

Offer rejected

  • cancel enrolments in the international student management system and notify school staff.

Formalisation of enrolment

  • ensure all details are entered into PRISMS
  • generate CoE and CAAW letter, if required
  • issue CoE, CAAW letter (if required), tax receipt and ISP arrival details form to applicant, via email outlining:
    • further information about CAAW
    • further information regarding placement with a DHA approved guardian
  • copy school staff into email.

School staff

  • where a prospective Overseas student is entitled to enrol, refer to the Enrolment in state primary, secondary and special schools procedure
  • ensure the relevant school policies are available on the international tab of the school website, for example:
    • Student code of conduct
    • student dress code
    • all non-tuition fees (for example, school uniform, digital devices, excellence programs)
    • advice for state schools on acceptable use of information and computer technology (ICT) facilities and devices
    • absences
    • school excursions
    • internal complaint management
    • religious instruction policy statement
    • chaplaincy and student welfare worker services — policy statement
    • department insurance arrangements and accident cover for Overseas students
    • obtaining and managing Overseas student individual consent
    • school instructions for school access
  • record Overseas student in OneSchool as a future Overseas student:
  • arrange homestay placement (if applicable) — refer to DEi student homestay placement procedure.


  • ensure a thorough understanding of the Enrolment agreement prior to signing
  • pay Initial invoice
  • send a copy of payment receipt along with signed Enrolment agreement to EQI via email
  • return any signed school documents requested by school
  • send a copy of additional documentation if requested by EQI staff as a condition of the offer of enrolment (for example, school reports).

Request to defer enrolment

  • if intending to defer an enrolment (after the CoE has been issued), complete and submit (at least five working days prior to expected course start date) the ISP request to defer enrolment form as per the instructions on the form.

EQI staff

  • if a ISP request to defer enrolment form is received, assess the request considering:
    • evidence of compassionate and compelling circumstances
    • the ability of the destination school to accommodate the deferral
    • if there is enough time (at least five days) to process the request prior to the commencement date stated on the CoE.

Request to defer enrolment refused

Request to defer enrolment approved

  • where a request to defer enrolment is approved or when an appeal is successful:

4. Arrive


  • return the ISP arrival details form to the destination school
  • DHA approved guardians are to provide EQI and the destination school with an onshore address and contact details within seven days of arriving in Australia (permanent or temporary details) and also
    • within seven days if there is a change of address
  • provide to EQI and the destination school a copy of the following Visa Grant Notification/s issued by the DHA:
    • Student visa 500 (schools)
    • Student Guardian visa (Subclass 590), when a CAAW has not been issued (that is, EQI will not be holding welfare for the Overseas student)
  • ensure understanding of pre-arrival orientation information issued by EQI and the destination school
  • submit any information or documentation requested by the destination school prior to arrival
  • advise EQI of any changes to arrival details, visa status and/or the intention to cancel enrolment at any time prior to arrival.

School staff

  • ensure arrival information is entered into international student management systems and OneSchool, as per the 1800QSTUDY School checklist (DoE employees only)
  • arrange airport reception as per the ISP arrival details form (who will meet the Overseas student at the airport and transfer them to their homestay), if required
  • arrange for the collection of the Overseas student from the airport and their transportation to their homestay (if applicable) as per the Change of welfare – subclass 500 (schools) visa procedure
  • provide the Overseas student with updated school emergency contact details, if required, and confirm Overseas student and parent contact details.

EQI staff

  • manage amendments and cancellations to enrolment as per Ongoing enrolment – subclass 500 (schools) visa procedure
  • advise school staff of any changes to the Overseas student’s enrolment or visa status and subsequent travel arrangements
  • arrange reception for Overseas students transferring from the Brisbane International Airport to regional airports





Education agent registered with EQI to recruit Overseas students for EQI programs.


A parent of a prospective Overseas student who is under 18 years of age applying for enrolment in an EQI program.

CAAW letter

Confirmation of Appropriate Accommodation and Welfare (CAAW) confirms that the Registered Education Provider must approve of accommodation, support and general welfare arrangements for student visa holders aged under 18 years who do not intend to live with an immigration approved relative.


A Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) is document created in Provider Registration and International Student Management System (PRISMS) by EQI as evidence of an Overseas student’s course and duration of study in a nominated Queensland state school.

Compassionate circumstances

Circumstances that:

  • are not in the Overseas student’s control or created by the Overseas student
  • adversely impact on the Overseas student’s welfare or course progress (for example, illness, bereavement or traumatic events may qualify).

Compelling circumstances

Circumstances which, in the opinion of EQI staff or school staff, are in the Overseas student’s best educational interests.  


A course registered on CRICOS offered by Department of Education trading as Education Queensland International.


Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students

Department of Education International (DEi)

The international branch of the Department of Education and employees of DEi.

The Department of Education’s trading name is Education Queensland International (EQI).

DHA approved guardian

A parent, legal custodian or relative over the age of 21 years approved by the Department of Home Affairs to be responsible for the Welfare of Overseas students under the age of 18 years.


Department of Education

Enrolment agreement

A written agreement signed by the Applicant, which includes Standard terms and conditions, an Initial invoice and Statement of fees, signed by the Overseas student as well as parents or legal custodians.


Education Queensland International

EQI staff

DoE employees working in DEi, trading as EQI.


Homestay is accommodation services offered by a family, a couple or a single person where food and shelter and a safe, caring and supportive home environment is provided to an overseas student.

For International Student Programs: Overseas student accommodation arranged by schools for Student Visa 500 holders; where EQI is responsible for the welfare of the student at all times, including outside school hours.

Offer of enrolment

Email package sent to applicant (via education agent if applicable). Package includes the Enrolment agreement (including Standard Terms and Conditions, Statement of fees, Initial invoice) and Payment notification form, school enrolment pack or other school enrolment information and instructions on how to accept the offer.


A comprehensive program to help Queensland State Schools manage key teaching and school administrative activities. Its features cover a wide range of school operations (DoE employees only).

Overseas student

Student in Australia on visa subclass 500 (schools sector) enrolled in an EQI course.


Natural parent or legal custodian.


For International Student Programs: Queensland state schools accredited by EQI to deliver international student programs.

School staff

Employees of schools with responsibilities to support international students. For example – International student coordinator, Homestay Coordinator, Head of Department, Deputy Principal. Accredited Officer (Study tours).



  • Nil

Other resources

Superseded versions

Previous seven years shown. Minor version updates not included.


Review date

24 January 2023
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs CC BY-NC-ND