
DEi student homestay placement procedure

Version number 3.3 | Version effective 23 December 2021
DEi student homestay placement procedure


Department of Education International (DEi) staff, school staff, students, homestay providers, international partners, chaperones, parents/legal custodians of students and their agents.


To ensure students are placed and monitored in homestay accommodation that is of high quality and provides a safe, caring and supportive home environment.


This procedure outlines the roles and responsibilities of DEi, schools and homestay providers and the steps they follow when placing students with approved homestay providers, monitoring the placement and changing the placement.

DEi engages homestay providers for the International Student Programs (ISP), Study Tours and Global Programs. For ISP, Overseas students may nominate DEi to provide accommodation and welfare for the duration of their program. The Department of Home Affairs is notified of this arrangement as part of the Overseas student’s visa application process. Homestay providers only host two long-term Overseas students at any one time.

Students requiring accommodation arrangements will only be placed in homestays approved by DEi or state schools. Homestays are carefully selected to ensure the placement is suitable for the age and needs of the Overseas student.

Homestay placements occur when:

  • the Overseas student first arrives
  • there is a necessary change to homestay arrangements (temporarily or permanently).

Schools and DEi staff monitor the welfare of students in DEi-approved accommodation and make arrangements to change placements if required.

For circumstances where emergency homestay changes are required outside of school hours (generally before 9.00 am and after 3.00 pm on school days, and 24 hours during weekends, public holidays and school holidays), parents, students, agents, chaperones and homestay providers should call 1800 QSTUDY (1800 778 839) to seek assistance and to arrange an emergency homestay placement.

This procedure should be read in conjunction with the Conducting home visits procedure,DEi recruit and on-board homestay procedure,DEi homestay provider management procedure and DEi incident management procedure. For ISP, this procedure should also be read in conjunction with the Change of welfare – subclass 500 (schools) visa procedure.


DEi staff

  • identify homestay requirement and provide sufficient information about the Overseas student for school staff to assess homestay availability and compatibility
  • provide updates regarding the Overseas student’s application and visa
  • provide advice and support to the school principal and school staff to implement this procedure
  • ensure the homestay placement meets all Commonwealth and Queensland regulatory requirements relating to child welfare and protection for Global Programs:
    • for one-way inbound programs: management of placement is delegated to hosting schools
    • for reciprocal programs:
      • manage initial placement of the student with matched Queensland student/family and school
      • maintain effective and regular communication with stakeholders
      • provide support and advocacy for students in relation to wellbeing issues, dispute resolution and adjusting to living and learning in Queensland.

School staff

  • manage initial placement of the Overseas student with a compatible homestay provider
  • initiate and facilitate temporary, permanent or emergency placement changes
  • develop and maintain effective and regular communication with the Overseas student’s parent/agent and DEi. For Study Tours and Global Programs, consult and notify agents/chaperones and DEi staff of any changes to homestay placements
  • provide support and advocacy for students in relation to wellbeing issues, dispute resolution and adjusting to living and learning in Queensland.


  • maintain regular contact with school staff and/or DEi staff
  • assist school staff and/or DEi staff with change of homestay placements
  • comply with Study Tour or Global Program agreement.

Homestay provider

  • confirm availability and inform school staff and/or DEi staff of any changes to contact information
  • provide students placed into their care with an orientation of their home and the local area
  • advise school staff and/or DEi staff where a change in placement is required.

School principal (or delegate)

  • oversee the process of placing students with homestay providers.


Process  1. Identify and notify 2. Assess 3. Place 4. Monitor

Image 1 – Student homestay placement process

1. Identify and notify

New placement

DEi staff

  • identify the requirement for homestay placement/s via the ISP application, Study Tour booking details, or Global Program application 
  • for ISP, prior to accepting an overseas student for enrolment in a course, provide the student with the policies and processes DEi has in place for the accommodation, support and general welfare arrangements for younger overseas students
  • notify school staff, matched host families and international partners (where applicable)
  • ensure students to be placed in homestay are given age-and culturally- appropriate information on:
    • who to contact in emergency situations, including contact numbers of a nominated staff member or service provider, for example 1800QSTUDY
    • how to seek assistance and report any incident or allegation involving actual or alleged sexual, physical or other abuse.
  • for ISP and Global Programs, notify school staff by email including the following information:
    • course and year level the student will be enrolled in and the respective enrolment length
  • relevant information collected in the student’s application to DEi staff, for example, medical information, hobbies and interests and dietary requests or needs. for Study Tours, notify school staff of homestay requirements and relevant information collected in ISP homestay application forms (DoE employees only)
  • notify school staff by email with any changes, for example:
    • if changes are made to the student's ISP Enrolment agreement
    • if the student's application
    •  has been withdrawn
    • if the student’s visa has been refused so homestay placement arrangements can be cancelled

Change of placement

DEi and school staff

  • identify the requirement to move the student to another DEi-approved homestay provider, for example, if the homestay provider is no longer able to host the student or requests to temporarily move an student, or the student requests a change of placement
  • for Study Tours, refer to the Study Tours and Professional Visits -  host school manual (DoE employees only) for the process of managing a change of homestay placement for a Study Tour student
  • for ISP, refer to the Change of welfare – subclass 500 (schools) visa procedure if:
    • a student requests to change living arrangements (that is, from the homestay program into the care of a parent or relative approved by the Department of Home Affairs)
    • the school may no longer be willing or able to provide homestay for the student
  • for Global Programs, contact the relevant DEi staff to discuss the process for managing a change of homestay placement for a Global Program student
  • if a change of placement is initiated by the school or DEi, provide the required notice per DEi Program to the homestay provider, student and parent/agent/chaperone/international partner (except where an emergency placement is required):
  • if a homestay provider requests to temporarily move an student:
    • ascertain the dates and reason for the temporary change request
    • find a temporary placement for the student, unless the student is relocating to live with a parent or approved relative (refer to the Change of welfare - subclass 500 (schools) visa  procedure)
    • arrange safe and appropriate transport for the student to travel between homestay providers
    • maintain accurate records, for example, the homestay database and OneSchool. For ISP, consider using the ISP travel and activities request form to capture relevant information and acknowledgements
    • for Study Tours and Global Programs, ensure DEi staff and agent/chaperone are notified of any changes.

Emergency placement


  • identify the requirement for an emergency change of homestay placement
    • when outside of school hours, this may be reported via the 1800 QSTUDY service to an EQI first responder. Refer to the DEi incident management procedurefor the processes the EQI first responder follows to manage an incident
  • discuss placement changes with school principal and/or international partner, and seek approval of an immediate change of placement, if:
    • there is an allegation or concern that the student may be at risk of harm
    • there is an emergency situation, or a critical incident has occurred
    • there is a serious breach of the ISP terms and conditions for homestay providers (applicable to ISP) or the Child and Youth Risk Management Strategy (CYRMS)
    • it is discovered that a homestay provider has provided false or misleading information, or failed to disclose relevant information on the Homestay provider application form, and, consequently an immediate change of placement is required
  • make a record of the critical incident and any remedial action taken to provide an emergency placement for the student, and maintain this written record for a period at least two years after the student ceases to be a student.

2. Assess


  • assess homestay availability and compatibility based on the information provided by the student and the homestay provider
    • refer to the homestay database to confirm all relevant checks have been conducted, including home visits
  • contact potential homestay providers to confirm:
    • their availability
    • that their circumstances haven’t changed
    • their willingness to accept the student for either:
      • the duration of the student’s enrolment (for ISP students)
      • the duration of the temporary placement
      • the duration of the Study Tour or Global Program placement
  • confirm Blue Card Services requirements will be satisfied
    • all adults (18+ years) residing in the home have current blue cards/exemption cards
  • where a suitable homestay is not identified, either:
    • commence recruitment activities to source a suitable family – refer to the DEi recruit and on-board homestay providers procedure
    • arrange a short-term emergency placement if a suitable temporary placement cannot be organised, if required
      • if emergency placement with an approved homestay provider cannot be confirmed and there are no other safe and appropriate alternatives, seek approval from the school principal to place the student with a school-based employee
    • for ISP and Global Programs, notify DEi staff (by email) as soon as practicable and DEi will contact the Overseas student via their parents/agent/chaperone/international partner to discuss an alternative accommodation arrangement or alternative school placement.

3. Place

DEi and school staff

  • when a suitable homestay placement is confirmed:

For ISP:

  • notify the student via email to their parent/agent using the ISP homestay family profile template (DoE employees only), consider attaching ‘Rules of the homestay home’ (Attachment 1 to the  ISP homestay provider application form (DoE employees only)
    • where possible, provide Homestay family profile to the student at least four weeks prior to the Overseas student’s arrival
  • notify the homestay provider, in writing, the details of the student who has been placed with them
  • check that the homestay provider’s payment details are current and ensure payments are scheduled
  • where a student requested a change in placement, and it is less than the two-week notice period:
    • check that homestay payment to the student’s current homestay provider is up to date 
    • pay homestay fees to the new homestay provider (except where an immediate emergency change of placement is required where the payment of fees will be done once the student is placed)
  • refer to the Enrolment – subclass 500 (schools) visa procedure for the process to follow when the student initially arrives in Australia
  • when changing homestays either:
    • assist the student to move their belongings and transport the student to their new homestay
    • ensure appropriate arrangements are in place for the existing homestay providers to take the student to the new homestay provider
    • ensure appropriate arrangements are in place for the new homestay provider to collect the student and take to their home
  • update the student and the homestay provider records, for example, in the international student management system, homestay database and OneSchool 
  • contact the homestay provider and the student, within the first few days, to check on arrangements
  • for ISP, if the student currently has welfare/homestay arrangements approved by another registered provider or another state school:
    • negotiate the transfer date for the welfare arrangements, so there is no gap
    • inform the student of their visa obligation to maintain their current welfare arrangement until the transfer date, or have alternate welfare arrangements approved or return to their home country until the new approved arrangements take effect. 

For Study Tours:

  • notify DEi staff of the details of placement, using the Study Tours homestay provider profile and matching templates (DoE employees only)
  • notify the homestay provider, in writing, the details of the student/s placed with them
  • deliver orientation session to homestay providers, prior to group’s arrival
  • check that the homestay provider’s payment details are current and ensure payments are scheduled
  • manage the arrival of the student/s into homestay (as per relevant Study Tour school agreement)
  • refer to the Group Study Tours and Professional Visits - host school manual (DoE employees only) for process for managing homestay for Study Tour participants, including arrival, first days through to departure 
  • when moving homestay, arrange for the student and their belongings to be transferred to the new homestay.

For Global Programs:

  • notify DEi staff of the details of placement, using the homestay family profile information collected on the application form
  • once confirmed by DEi staff, notify the homestay provider, in writing, the details of the student who has been placed with them
  • check that the homestay provider’s payment details are current and ensure payments are scheduled (if applicable)
  • update the student and the homestay provider records, for example, in the homestay database/master planner
  • manage the arrival of the student/s into the homestay
  • when changing homestays either:
    • assist the student to move their belongings and transport the student to their new homestay
    • ensure appropriate arrangements are in place for the existing homestay providers to take the student to the new homestay provider
    • ensure appropriate arrangements are in place for the new homestay provider to collect the student and take to their home
  • where applicable, update the student and homestay provider records, for example in the homestay database/master planner and OneSchool 

Homestay provider

  • notify (by agreed method, for example, phone, email, text message) school staff and parent/agent/DEi staff of student’s arrival into their care, where agreed.

4. Monitor

DEi and school staff

  • verify that the student's accommodation remains appropriate to the student's age and needs
    •  for ISP, this is at least every six months after approval of homestay placement
  • if unable to contact a student, and there are concerns for the student's welfare, make all reasonable efforts to locate the student, including notifying the police and any other relevant Commonwealth, state or territory agencies as soon as practicable
  • communicate with the student regularly regarding their wellbeing and any issues or concerns regarding their homestay placement
    • for Study Tours and some Global Programs, communication will be via the chaperone
    • for ISP, also communicate with the student prior to school holiday periods to ensure safe and appropriate arrangements are in place for the duration of the holidays
  • follow-up on issues raised by the student, or chaperone, or homestay provider, ensuring appropriate intervention is provided, for example:
    • discuss with the student and the homestay provider to obtain further information
    • discuss with the student, parent/agent/chaperone
    • refer the student to the school Guidance Officer/School Based Health Nurse
    • assist the student to access other welfare related support services. For ISP, refer to the Ongoing enrolment – subclass 500 (schools) visa procedure
    • if the student or homestay provider requests a change of placement and an emergency placement is not required, investigate and arrange mediation or offer counselling, or find an alternative placement (refer to section 1.2 - change of placement).
  • update the student’s records, for example, in the homestay database and OneSchool
  • maintain up-to-date records of the student's contact details, including the contact details of the student's parent(s) or any adult responsible for the student's welfare
    • the records must include:
      • the student’s current residential address
      • the student’s mobile phone number (if any)
      • the student’s email address (if any)
    • for ISP:
      • monitor that the above records are accurate as per the Ongoing enrolment – subclass 500 (schools) visa procedure
      • if there is a change to student's contact details regarding their legal guardian or any adult responsible for the student's welfare, notify the Commonwealth Department of Education within fourteen days
  • report to the school principal where any issues are not resolved, or for critical incidents or Student protection issues
  • for reciprocal Global Programs, escalate to DEi staff where the issue is not resolved, or for critical incidents or Student protection issues.

School principal (or delegate)

  • address and resolve homestay issues and decide to:
    • direct school staff to work with the student and other relevant school staff until satisfied concerns have been appropriately addressed
    • change the student’s placement – return to section 1.2
      • for ISP, approve the student’s request to change their homestay placement where less than two weeks written notice is being given to a homestay provider only where the homestay payment to the student’s current homestay provider is up-to-date and homestay fees are paid or have been scheduled to be paid to the new homestay provider
      • for Global Programs, any change of homestay placement must be discussed first with DEi staff (unless for emergency placements)
    • approve an immediate emergency change of placement and direct school staff to take action and place student with a temporary homestay
    • notify DEi that the school can no longer provide homestay for the student (for ISP see the Change of welfare - subclass 500 (schools) visa procedure)
    • take action under Student protection procedure, where required.

DEi staff

  • for reciprocal Global Programs, address and resolve homestay issues and decide to:
    • work with the student and homestay provider until satisfied concerns have been appropriately addressed
    • liaise with international partner and student’s family (offshore)
    • change the student’s placement – return to section 1.2 
    • approve an immediate emergency change of placement and direct school staff to take action to place student with a temporary homestay
    • take action under Student protection procedure, where required
    • cancel student participation in the reciprocal Global Program.




(+61 1800 778 839)

A student hotline for managing incidents involving students across Queensland.


Education agent registered with EQI to recruit students for EQI programs.


Bilingual English-speaking tour/program escort who is an accompanying adult or teacher that supervises and travels with the Study Tour or Global Program group.

Department of Education International (DEi)

The international branch of the Department of Education and employees of DEi.

DEi’s trading name is Education Queensland International (EQI).

DEi Program

A program offered by a DEi business unit including: International Student Programs, Study Tours and Professional Visits, and Global Programs, including but not limited to: Primary School program; High School program; International Baccalaureate; High School Preparation; Study tours; Short term immersion programs and exchanges; and reciprocal exchanges.


Is a classified officer (Heads of Department, Deputy Principals and Principals) nominated by the principal who is authorised to make some International Student Program decisions on behalf of the school principal.

Emergency homestay

Emergency homestay is a temporary arrangement where providers meet all the necessary DEi approvals to ensure appropriate accommodation and welfare for students in their care.

Enrolment agreement

A written agreement signed by the applicant, which includes Standard Terms and Conditions, an Initial Invoice and Statement of fees; signed by the overseas student as well as parents or legal custodians.

Global Programs

Inbound and outbound programs delivered by Global Engagement Unit, DEi, which offer participants the opportunity to develop their global competence by exploring new cultures and experience new learnings. Students participating in Global Programs are in Australia on visa subclass 600 (visitor).

Home visit

When employees visit the home of a member of the school/local community, to assess the home and applicants (and other household members) as appropriate candidates as a Homestay Provider.


Homestay is accommodation services offered by a family, a couple or a single person where food and shelter and a safe, caring and supportive home environment is provided to a Student. Homestay is arranged by schools and/or DEi staff.

For International Student Programs: Overseas student accommodation arranged by schools; DEi is responsible for the welfare of the student at all times, including outside school hours.

Homestay database

The database used by schools to record all information regarding the homestay arrangement.

Homestay provider

Homestay provider is a family, a couple or a single person who is approved by DEi or schools to host students in their home. For Study Tours and Global Programs a homestay provider is also known as a Host Family. For Global Programs, this includes families involved in reciprocal programs.

International Partners

Education department of organisation through which short-term immersion programs and exchanges are delivered, under international Memorandums of Understanding with DEi.

International Student Programs (ISP)

A study pathway offered to Overseas Students to fulfil their academic potential, develop new skills and achieve personal goals in a way that suits their individual needs. International Student Programs includes: Primary School, High School, International Baccalaureate, and High School Preparation.

Master planner

The database used by DEi staff to manage Global Programs including inbound and reciprocal programs, and to capture homestay arrangements.


A comprehensive program to help Queensland State Schools manage key teaching and school administrative activities. Its features cover a wide range of school operations (DoE employees only).

Overseas student

Student in Australia on visa subclass 500 (schools sector) enrolled in an EQI course.


Natural parent or legal custodian.


For International Student Programs: Queensland state schools accredited by DEi to deliver international student programs.

For Study Tours: Queensland state schools accredited to deliver study tours.

For Global Programs: Queensland state schools, and non-state schools (for some programs only).

School staff

Employees of schools, for example – International student coordinator, Homestay coordinator, Head of department, Deputy principal, Accredited Officer (Study Tours).


Employees of the Department of Education and includes: School staff and DEi staff (for example, Project Officer, Global Engagement Unit).

Employees of non-state schools partnered with DEi to deliver Global Programs.


For International Student Programs: Overseas student enrolled in an EQI course.

For Study Tours: Student in Australia on a visa subclass 600 (visitor) participating in a group Study Tour program.

For Global Programs: Student in Australia on a visa subclass 600 (visitor) participating in Global Programs.

Study Tours

Short term commercial programs for groups of students to visit Queensland state primary and secondary schools, to enrich their learning and cultural experiences. Student groups are accompanied by adult tour chaperones.  Students participating in Study Tours are in Australia on visa subclass 600 (visitor).



  • Nil

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Superseded versions

Previous seven years shown. Minor version updates not included.

2.0 Initial placement of student with homestay provider

3.0 DEi student homestay placement procedure

Review date

24 January 2023
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs CC BY-NC-ND