
Ongoing enrolment – subclass 500 (schools) visa procedure

​An updated version of this procedure and supporting information will be effective on 08/07/2024. You can preview the content in the Upcoming version section below.​

Version number 1.3 | Version effective 27 October 2023
Ongoing enrolment – subclass 500 (schools) visa procedure


Education Queensland International staff (EQI staff), school staff, Overseas students, EQI homestay providers, parents/Department of Home Affairs (DHA) approved guardians of Overseas students and agents.


This procedure outlines the roles and responsibilities of school staff and EQI, and the steps they follow to monitor study, wellbeing and behaviour of Overseas students, as well as manage amendments or the cancellation of an Overseas student’s enrolment, where required.


EQI and schools ensure Overseas students are provided with ongoing support throughout their enrolment, both through learning and wellbeing support services.

School staff follow the department’s Student Learning and Wellbeing Framework to ensure strategies to improve learning outcomes have a focus on Overseas student wellbeing and create a positive school culture.

Wellbeing and behaviour

The expected standards of Overseas student behaviour are outlined in the International Student Programs (ISP) standard terms and conditions and the individual schools’ Department of Education (DoE) Student code of conduct. EQI may cancel an Overseas student’s enrolment due to student behaviour after ensuring that natural justice has been provided. If EQI decides to cancel an Overseas student’s enrolment due to Overseas student behaviour, that decision will not take effect until the internal appeals process is completed, unless the Overseas student’s health or wellbeing, or the wellbeing of others is likely to be at risk. Where the Overseas student’s health or wellbeing, or the wellbeing of others is likely to be at risk, EQI may commence the process to immediately cancel an Overseas student’s enrolment. Student behaviour is defined in the individual schools’ DoE Student code of conduct and the responsibility and processes to promote, safe, supportive and disciplined learning environments in Queensland State Schools is outlined in the DoE Student discipline procedure.

Changes to enrolment

A change to enrolment that modifies the course length and/or course type will only be granted as outlined in the ISP standard terms and conditions. For example, advancing from a Junior High School course (Year 10) to a Senior High School course (Year 11) will impact the duration of the course as well as the type of course the Overseas student is enrolled in. Any time a change to enrolment modifies the course length and/or course type, EQI is required to inform the Australian Government within 14 days.

Any time a change to enrolment modifies the course length and/or course type, EQI is required to issue a new Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) while cancelling the previous CoE.


Overseas students can request to cancel their enrolment, in writing, at any time as outlined in the ISP standard terms and conditions of their Enrolment agreement. Overseas students should refer to the Transfer – subclass 500 (schools) visa procedure if they want to cancel their enrolment in order to transfer to a different Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) registered provider.

EQI may also initiate a cancellation of enrolment as outlined in the ISP standard terms and conditions.

If an Overseas student’s enrolment is cancelled, and the Overseas student is living with a homestay provider, the Overseas student, EQI staff and school staff should refer to the Change of welfare – subclass 500 (schools) visa procedure to ensure appropriate welfare arrangements are in place for the Overseas student. EQI reports cancellations of enrolment to the Australian Government, as required by Australian law. This can affect the Overseas student’s visa.

Refunds are paid in accordance with the Refund policy as outlined in the ISP standard terms and conditions.


School staff

  • assist the Overseas student with all aspects of their study program
  • monitor living arrangements (at least every six months) to ensure they are still appropriate to the Overseas student’s age and needs
  • outline expected standards of behaviour as per the ISP standard terms and conditions and the DoE Student code of conduct
  • regularly monitor behaviour and wellbeing and liaise with relevant school staff
  • intervene early and assist students to improve their behaviour and wellbeing
  • liaise with parent/DHA approved relative as well as homestay providers and agents (where applicable) regarding behaviour and wellbeing
  • maintain accurate and up-to-date records in the international student management system and OneSchool (for example, adding a record of contact in OneSchool for each contact with the Overseas student, reviewing emergency contact details and ensuring absences are maintained as per the Roll marking in state schools procedure)
  • in accordance with the Change of welfare – subclass 500 (schools) visa procedure and the DEi student homestay placement procedure, ensure appropriate supervision requirements are in place for a school disciplinary absence or where an enrolment is cancelled
  • escalate issues and concerns to the school principal
  • liaise with EQI to confirm whether changes to their study program will affect the Overseas student’s enrolment
  • promptly notify EQI of approved changes to enrolment.

EQI staff

  • monitor payment of invoices and implement debt management processes to ensure payments are receipted by the appropriate due date and enable ongoing enrolment of the Overseas student
  • promptly report changes to Overseas student enrolment details to the Australian Government in Provider Registration International Student Management System (PRISMS), as directed by Director, EQI
  • cancel an Overseas student’s enrolment and report to the Australian Government, as directed by the Director, EQI or at the request of the Overseas student
  • in accordance with the Change of welfare – student 500 (schools) visa procedure and the DEi student homestay placement procedure, ensure appropriate supervision requirements are in place for a school disciplinary absence or where an enrolment is cancelled
  • maintain accurate and up-to-date student records in the international student management system and PRISMS
  • provide advice and support to Overseas students and school staff in implementing this procedure.

School principal (or delegate)

  • promote a whole-school approach to wellbeing and social and emotional learning (DoE employees only)
  • decide whether to approve changes to enrolment for the Overseas student
  • escalate concerns and issues regarding Overseas student wellbeing, course progress, behaviour or attendance to the Director, EQI
  • reinforce school processes, relevant DoE procedures (for example, Student discipline procedure), Student code of conduct and the ISP standard terms and conditions with Overseas student and parent/DHA approved guardian or homestay provider, highlighting the consequences for non-compliance
  • escalate misbehaviour to the Director, EQI where an Overseas student’s behaviour does not improve or when immediate school disciplinary action is required
  • implement the DEi incident management procedure for issues regarding Overseas student wellbeing.

Director, EQI

  • implement decisions which support the wellbeing and welfare of enrolled Overseas students and are in the best interest of the Overseas student
  • decide whether to cancel an Overseas student’s enrolment and report to the Australian Government
  • provide advice and support the school principal when immediate action is required to implement a disciplinary intervention (for example, exclusion or charge-related suspension) and Complaints and appeals – subclass 500 (schools) visa procedure
  • ensure EQI staff members who interact directly with Overseas students are properly trained and aware of the registered provider’s obligations under the ESOS framework, and the potential implications for Overseas students arising from the exercise of these obligations.

Parents or DHA approved guardians

  • liaise with school staff or school guidance officer regarding enrolment, behaviour and wellbeing concerns
  • ensure welfare and Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) requirements are appropriate for the duration of enrolment
  • notify EQI if intending on withdrawing from the program.


Process flowchart - Ongoing enrolment 1. Monitor 2. Intervene 3. Escalate 4. Report  

Image 1 : Process flowchart - Ongoing enrolment

1. Monitor

School staff

  • ensure enrolment verification (confirmation of student details, including emergency contacts) is completed each term by the allocated due date, as requested by EQI (records must include the student’s current residential address, mobile phone number (if any) and email address (if any)).
  • ensure changes to Overseas student details, including student mobile, homestay details, parent/DHA approved guardian/agent/emergency contact details, are updated in OneSchool, PRISMS and the international student management system as soon as possible and within seven days
  • direct Overseas student requests to cancel enrolment to EQI staff
  • review records in OneSchool regularly to monitor behaviour and wellbeing of each Overseas student
  • identify when an Overseas student is misbehaving as per the DoE Student code of conduct, or the ISP standard terms and conditions and requires intervention
  • liaise with class teachers, homestay families and parents/DHA approved guardians to determine if there are any concerns with behaviour and/or wellbeing of the Overseas student (for example, non-compliance with the DoE School code of conduct or ISP standard terms and conditions)
  • monitor patterns of Overseas student behaviour and wellbeing within both school and accommodation arrangements
  • arrange a meeting or formal discussion with the Overseas student to provide opportunities to raise any concerns they may have in relation to their behaviour, study, general health, safety and wellbeing
  • monitor signs of harm to Overseas students, whether it is related to physical, sexual or emotional abuse, or neglect, as per the Student protection procedure
  • review living arrangements (at least every six months) with the Overseas student to ensure they are still appropriate to their age and needs (for example, Overseas students must stay in approved accommodation, even after they turn 18):
  • remind Overseas students of available school support services, as required (for example, school-based youth health nurse and/or guidance officer)
  • remind Overseas students of the limitations to student visa conditions
  • liaise with teaching staff and school guidance officer in relation to a potential change to the Overseas student’s enrolment:
    • determine if a change of year level is required (either initiated by the school, or at the Overseas student/parent/DHA approved guardian’s request)
    • identify if an extension or reduction in the course duration is required as an intervention strategy for course progress requirements
    • provide advice to the Overseas student when a change to their CoE may be required.

EQI staff

  • provide support and advice to school staff for any concerns relating to the Overseas student’s study, health and wellbeing
  • request school staff to complete enrolment verification spreadsheet as instructed via email each term:
    • review enrolment verification spreadsheet completed by school staff to confirm Overseas student details are correct and up to date in the international student management system and PRISMS
  • liaise with school staff and provide advice as to when the Overseas student would need to have their CoE revised
  • distribute Overseas student invoices and monitor receipt of payments.

2. Intervene

2.1. For wellbeing and behaviour

School staff

School principal

  • where there is a reasonable suspicion of harm to Overseas students, whether it is related to physical, sexual or emotional abuse, or neglect, adhere to the Student protection procedure and guidelines and the Incident management procedure.
  • decide on the disciplinary consequence as per Student discipline procedure
  • for misconduct (for example, homestay misconduct) or when the Overseas student’s wellbeing is identified as at risk:
    • issue a ISP behaviour warning letter or ISP wellbeing support letter to the Overseas student outlining what actions need to be taken
    • meet with the Overseas student and (if possible) parent/DHA approved guardian or homestay provider to discuss wellbeing concerns or unsatisfactory behaviour, reinforcing the ISP standard terms and conditions and the consequences for non-compliance and/or the welfare implications when wellbeing is at risk (if the Overseas student’s parent/DHA approved guardian or homestay provider is unable to attend meeting, meet with the Overseas student and liaise with the parent/DHA approved guardian after the meeting)
    • review intervention strategies that are in place to ensure they are still appropriate and adjust if required
    • inform EQI and notify the parent and/DHA approved guardian and agent (where applicable) that the Overseas student has been issued a ISP wellbeing support letter or ISP behaviour warning letter.
  • escalate to the Director, EQI any concerns about the Overseas student’s health or wellbeing
  • escalate to the Director, EQI where there warrants an EQI initiated suspension of enrolment based on compassionate or compelling circumstances (for example, the Overseas student’s welfare is at risk)
  • escalate to the Director, EQI where there warrants cancellation of enrolment (for example, exclusion).

EQI staff

  • assist school staff with implementing intervention strategies to support the Overseas student’s health and wellbeing
  • assist with Overseas student requests to cancel their enrolment:
    • ensuring written or email parental approval
    • as the Overseas student has initiated this request, this does not require further escalation to the Director, EQI (that is, show cause), therefore, move directly to section 4.1 Report
  • communicate with agent/parent when outstanding fees have been identified. 

2.2. For changes to enrolment

School staff

  • recommend an extension or reduction of course duration (for example, additional High School Preparation or change of year level), if it is in the best interest of the Overseas student or as part of the course progress intervention strategy
    • seek endorsement from the school principal
    • notify and seek approval of the Overseas student/parent/DHA approved guardian of the recommendation and advise them to contact the Australian Government department responsible for immigration to determine if the change to enrolment length will have any impact on their visa
    • if school principal endorses, notify EQI to amend the Enrolment agreement.

School principal

  • decide whether to endorse request to change year level, or extend or reduce the course duration (either by the Overseas student/parent/DHA approved guardian or school staff), within five days and provide reasons why.

EQI staff

  • liaise with school staff to determine if the changes to subject selections or year level will affect the end date of the Overseas student’s CoE
  • if the duration of an Overseas student’s enrolment is likely to change, direct staff to advise the Overseas student, parent and DHA approved relative that they must contact the Australian Government department responsible for immigration to seek advice about any possible effect on their student visa or guardian visa, if applicable.

3. Escalate

School principal

  • where the wellbeing of the Overseas student continues to be at risk, when behaviour does not improve after intervention or when immediate action is required by the principal to implement a disciplinary intervention (such as exclusion or charge-related suspension), escalate to the Director, EQI by sending an email to
    • “(student name), misbehaviour, (school name)” in subject line of email
    • an indication of whether the referral is about an urgent intervention
    • a list of all relevant evidence, in chronological order, in the body of email (for example, written request to attend a meeting with international student coordinator, records of contact, witness statements, meeting notes, proof of compassionate or compelling circumstances)
    • any relevant documents which are not in OneSchool attached
    • assurance that the school has complied with this procedure
    • evidence of Student code of conduct breaches and breaches of the ISP standard terms and conditions
  • liaise with the Overseas student and relevant school staff to improve their behaviour.

Director, EQI

  • within three working days of receiving a notification of the Overseas student’s wellbeing being at risk, or of unsatisfactory behaviour, decide whether the Overseas student’s enrolment should be cancelled based on the evidence provided, or suspended based on compassionate and compelling grounds (such as charge related, refer to Suspension of enrolment – subclass 500 (schools) visa)
  • within three working days of receiving notification for other cancellations (such as non-payment of fees), decide whether to initiate a cancellation of the Overseas student’s enrolment based on the evidence provided:
    • if the decision is to move ahead with the cancellation of enrolment, issue the Cancellation show cause notice to the Overseas student and parent, notifying the DHA approved guardian and agent (where applicable)
  • give the Overseas student/parent/DHA approved guardian five working days to show cause as to why the Overseas student’s enrolment should not be cancelled for misbehaviour:
    • ask for evidence demonstrating that compassionate or compelling circumstances apply
    • consider the Overseas student/parent/DHA approved guardian request to extend the deadline to respond to show cause, if required
  • where a response to the show cause is received, consider it and decide, within 10 working days, whether to cancel the Overseas student’s enrolment and report to the Australian Government
  • if the decision is not to cancel the Overseas student’s enrolment:
    • issue a Decision not to cancel enrolment letter to Overseas student and parent, notifying the DHA approved guardian and agent (where applicable), making it clear what is expected of the Overseas student
    • inform the school principal
  • if no response is received, or if a response to the show cause has been received and the decision is to report, issue a Notice of intention to cancel enrolment decision to the Overseas student and parent, notifying the DHA approved guardian and agent (where applicable)
  • where evidence shows that the Overseas student’s health or wellbeing, or the wellbeing of others is likely to be at risk and immediate cancellation is required, issue the Notice of intention to cancel enrolment letter to the Overseas student and parent, notifying the DHA approved guardian and agent (where applicable)
  • follow Complaints and appeals procedure – subclass 500 (schools) visa if the Notice of intention to cancel enrolment decision is appealed.

School staff

EQI staff

  • escalate to the Director, EQI where there warrants an EQI initiated cancellation of enrolment (for example, non-payment of fees).

4. Report

4.1. For cancellations of enrolment

Director, EQI

  • instruct EQI staff to notify the Australian Government of the cancellation of enrolment where either:
    • no appeal is made
    • an appeal is withdrawn
    • the internal appeal (20 working days) is unsuccessful (EQI is not required to wait for the outcome of an external appeal before notifying)
  • issue applicable template letters under the Complaints and appeals – subclass 500 (schools) visa procedure (for example, No appeal received letter template) to the Overseas student/parent/DHA approved guardian
  • notify school principal and school staff of the outcome.

EQI staff

  • notify the Australian Government via PRISMS, promptly, and within 14 days, that the Overseas student’s enrolment is cancelled
  • cancel the Overseas student’s enrolment record/s in the international student management system and notify school once completed
  • inform the Overseas student of the need to seek advice from Immigration on the potential impact on his or her student visa
  • ask the Overseas student/parent/DHA approved guardian to complete the ISP refund request form, if eligible for a refund
  • review and assess the refund request in line with the refund policy as outlined in the ISP standard terms and conditions
  • give notice of any refund to the Australian Government within 7 days of the repayment.

School staff

  • refer to the Change of welfare – subclass 500 (schools) visa procedure to ensure that safe and appropriate arrangements are in place for the Overseas student’s departure, if the Overseas student is in homestay
  • finalise and issue any outstanding school reports to the Overseas student
  • cancel the Overseas student’s enrolment in OneSchool.

4.2. For changes to enrolment

EQI staff

  • where a reduction or extension of the Overseas student’s course length is approved (before or after the student’s visa is granted), within seven days of the decision:
    • revise the enrolment and Enrolment agreement in the international student management system, along with invoices (if required), and issue via email to the parent/DHA approved guardian or agent
    • advise the Overseas student and parent and/DHA approved guardian to contact Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) provider regarding any amendment to the period of cover and OSHC refund, if applicable
    • revise the CoE, welfare arrangements and OSHC in PRISMS, within 31 days, and issue to the parent/DHA approved guardian or agent, including payment receipt for refund, if applicable
    • notify school staff
    • ask the Overseas student/parent or DHA approved guardian to complete the ISP refund request form, if eligible for a refund
    • review and assess the refund request in line with the ISP standard terms and conditions.





Education agent registered with EQI to recruit students for EQI programs.

Compassionate circumstances

Circumstances that:

  • are not in the student’s control or created by the student; and
  • adversely impact on the student’s welfare or course progress (for example, illness, bereavement or traumatic events may qualify).

Compelling circumstances

Circumstances which, in the opinion of EQI staff or school staff, are in the student’s best educational interests.

Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE)

A Confirmation of Enrolment is document created in Provider Registration and International Student Management System (PRISMS) by EQI as evidence of a student’s course and duration of study in a nominated Queensland state school.


Is a classified officer (Heads of Department, Deputy Principals and Principals) nominated by the principal who is authorised to make some International Student Program decisions on the principal’s behalf”

DHA approved guardian

A parent, legal custodian or relative over the age of 21 approved by the Department of Home Affairs to be responsible for the welfare of overseas students entering ISP under the age of 18 years.

Enrolment agreement

A written agreement with the overseas student or intending overseas student and their parent, which includes Standard Terms and Conditions, an Initial Invoice and Statement of fees; signed by the overseas student as well as parents or legal custodians.


Education Queensland International

EQI staff

DoE employees working in DEi, trading as EQI.

Homestay provider

Homestay provider is a family, a couple or a single person who is approved by DEi or schools to host overseas students in their home.

International Student Programs

A study pathway offered to Overseas students to fulfil their academic potential, develop new skills and achieve personal goals in a way that suits their individual needs. International Student Programs includes: Primary School, High School, International Baccalaureate, and High School Preparation.


A comprehensive program to help Queensland State Schools manage key teaching and school administrative activities. Its features cover a wide range of school operations (DoE employees only).

Overseas student

Student in Australia on visa subclass 500 (schools sector) enrolled in an EQI registered course.

Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)

A mandatory requirement for overseas students studying in Australia (with the exception of student from Norway, Sweden and Denmark).  Cover must be provided for the entire duration of the student’s visa period.


Natural parent or legal custodian.


For International Student Programs: Queensland state schools accredited by EQI to deliver international student programs.

School staff

Employees of schools with responsibilities to support international students. For example – International student coordinator, Homestay coordinator, Head of department, Deputy principal. Accredited Officer (Study tours).

Student code of conduct

A document that defines the standards of behaviour by which all Overseas students agree to be bound as a condition of their enrolment.



  • Nil

Other resources

Superseded versions

Previous seven years shown. Minor version updates not included.


Review date

24 January 2023
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs CC BY-NC-ND