This procedure outlines the process departmental workplaces must follow to ensure compliance with the First Aid in the Workplace Code of Practice 2021, section 3 of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (Qld) and section 42 of the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011 (Qld).
Each workplace must ensure there are appropriate first aid provisions and skilled employees to respond to foreseeable injuries, illnesses or events. Required resources and skills are to be identified through a formal risk management approach that considers all aspects of the workplace and associated workplace activities, including but not limited to the size, location and access to essential services as well as the demographics of the workplace.
All employees
- Take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and other persons at the workplace.
- Comply with all reasonable instruction provided by a manager, principal or supervisor in relation to Health Safety and Wellbeing (HSW).
- Identify, report and control hazards and risks in the workplace relevant to their level of ability and authority.
Additional requirements for first aid officers
- Maintain required first aid certification. Guidance is provided in the First aid officers: Selecting and training the correct number for your workplace. Provide first aid to the level of training/certification achieved, until medical assistance is available or the person recovers, unless doing so places the first aid officer’s personal safety at risk.
- Follow workplace first aid protocols and training.
- Follow standard precautions for infection control when providing first aid.
- Advise the manager or principal when unable to fulfil the role of first aid officer to ensure adequate coverage can be arranged.
- Take reasonable care of own safety and that of others when performing first aid.
- Record first aid treatment within the first aid register.
- Maintain confidentiality of personal information gathered while treating an injured or ill person and only record information critical to provision of first aid.
- Ensure first aid facilities, kits, contents and other equipment are complete, in-date, in working order and ready for use.
Managers, principals and supervisors
- Implement the requirements of the department’s HSW Management System (DoE employees only) and associated policies and procedures. Maintain awareness of all workplace operations, associated hazards and risks.
- Implement systems and processes for the identification, assessment and effective management of HSW hazards and associated risks including the completion of first aid risk assessments to identify first aid requirements.
- Provide the necessary resources to ensure the effective implementation of the first aid requirements.
- Provide relevant HSW information, instruction, supervision and training to enable the conduct of safe work and maintenance of safe work environments.
- Maintain records related to the identification, assessment and control of hazards and risks.
1. Hazard identification
The manager, principal or supervisor must identify hazards present in the workplace (and those likely to be encountered during workplace activities) through:
- consultation and feedback from staff regarding possible hazards
- review of the workplace hazard register
- past first aid records
- known medical conditions
- other sources of information such as health and safety incident data.
When identifying hazards, consider:
- school/workplace size and layout
- number of staff and students
- employees/students requiring emergency medication
- location of nearest medical facility/major hospital (distance, travel time, contact details)
- approximate ambulance response time
- numbers and types of first aid incidents occurring in last 12 months
- specific hazards that require emergency treatment – chemicals, radiation, electricity, machinery, school pool
- curriculum activities
- excursions/camps
- other relevant information.
2. Assessment of first aid risk
- Using the hazards information identified in step 1, and the First aid risk assessment template the manager/principal is to assess the risk of workplace injury/illness requiring first aid by: assessing the type, severity and likelihood of injuries and illness from identified hazards and the level of risk determined
- assessing the risk associated with each hazard (identified in step 1) with consideration to other information collected.
Based on the risk assessment, determine the first aid controls and retain a copy of the completed First aid risk assessment template.
3. Determine first aid controls
Where hazards cannot be eliminated, controls to address risks must be identified and implemented. These controls must consider:
A range of resources to support the implementation of first aid controls can be found on the department’s First aid resources site. These include templates for displaying First aid contacts through to advice on Providing first aid safely.
4. Implement first aid controls
Implement identified controls.
The manager, principal or supervisor must:
- ensure the appropriate number of first aid officers are available on site (as per the risk assessment)
- ensure first aid officers hold appropriate and current qualifications
- ensure records of training are kept.
The manager, principal or supervisor must ensure employees are aware of how first aid is managed in the workplace. This includes but is not limited to the information provided in the following information sheets:
Record all first aid rendered
- The first aid officer must maintain a workplace register of any first aid rendered.
- This record may be online within MyHR WHS and/or in a first aid register, as decided by the workplace. Guidance is provided in the Recording first aid information sheet.
Management of first aid resources
- The manager/principal must implement a schedule to monitor the contents of the first aid kit and other first aid resources to ensure they are adequately stocked, in date and are in good working order (as appropriate).
5. Review and improve
The manager/principal must implement a process of continual improvement by:
- scheduling and conducting a First aid review at least annually
- reviewing the types of first aid administered and identifying any preventative measures that could be implemented at regular intervals such as at HSW committee meetings
- implementing recommendations for improvement.
Risk assessment
A systematic process of evaluating the potential risks that may be involved in a projected activity or undertaking.
First aid
The immediate care given to someone who is ill or injured until more advanced care is provided or the person recovers. First aid provision also encompasses the identification and management of trained first aid officers, resources and equipment.
First aid controls
Training, resources and protocols implemented to address first aid risks in the workplace.
First aid officer
An employee who holds a current, recognised first aid qualification as described in First aid officers: Selecting and training the correct number for your workplace and is responsible for monitoring and maintaining first aid facilities at the workplace, administering first aid and monitoring and reporting WHS risks and incidents.
First aid register
A standardised format for recording first aid rendered at a workplace.
First aid requirements
- the number, location and contents of first aid kits and other equipment
- the type of first aid facilities needed
- first aid procedures
- the number of trained first aid officers.
An object or situation that has the potential to harm a person, the environment or cause damage to property. Hazards at work may include: noisy machinery, a moving vehicle, chemicals, electricity, working at heights, a repetitive job and violence at the workplace.
Processes or arrangements that are established locally.
Reasonable care
The degree of caution and concern for the safety of himself/herself and others an ordinarily prudent and rational person would use in the circumstances.
The possibility that harm (death, injury or illness) might occur when exposed to a hazard.
Risk management
Risk management is a proactive process that helps you identify risks, identify control measures and implement continuous improvement. This process includes:
identify hazards – find out what could cause harm
assess risks if necessary – understand the nature of the harm that could be caused by the hazard, how serious the harm could be and the likelihood of it happening
control risks – implement the most effective control measure that is reasonably practicable in the circumstances
review control measures to ensure they are working as planned.
Standard precautions for infection control
Work practices that assume all blood and body fluids are potentially infectious. Standard precautions are to be used as a first-line approach to preventing infection and are to be adopted for contact with all blood and body fluids. Standard precautions include: good hygiene practices (hand washing), use of personal protective equipment (e.g. disposable gloves), appropriate handling and disposal of sharps and other infectious waste, appropriate cleaning and disinfection of contaminated items.
Other resources
Superseded versions
Previous seven years shown. Minor version updates not included.
2.0 HLS-PR-003: First Aid
3.0 First Aid