Flexible arrangements involving an alternative education provider procedure | 8795 | | | 12/07/2023 6:46:36 AM | 12/07/2023 6:46:36 AM | Ensure the proposed flexible arrangement is appropriate, having regard to the student’s individual needs and circumstances, learning outcomes, and any other matters | STS_ListItem_850 | | | | | | | | | | | 0 | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au | html | False | | aspx | | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au/policiesandprocedures | {5709DB63-F0EE-4628-A95C-CB623E026442} | | | ~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Z1/Skins/CUESearch/DisplayTemplates/Item_Default.js | 846;16 | 846 |
Flexible arrangements involving an alternative education provider process flowchart | 15407 | | | 22/05/2023 11:40:45 PM | 22/05/2023 11:40:45 PM | be read in conjunction with the Flexible arrangements involving an alternative education A flexible arrangement is proposed by a parent, student or school | STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary | | | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au/attachment/Forms/AllItems.aspx | 546 | 21 | | | | | | 0 | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au | pdf | False | | pdf | | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au | {0573A133-8B88-4EFE-B2D9-C94E9925DE96} | | | ~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Z1/Skins/CUESearch/DisplayTemplates/Item_PDF.js | 848;15 | 848 |
Fact sheet – Refusal to enrol – Risk to safety or wellbeing | 15324 | | | 1/02/2023 4:35:23 AM | 1/02/2023 4:35:23 AM | Page 1 of 2 Version: 4.2 Under the Refusal to enrol – Risk to safety or wellbeing plan, a risk management strategy, flexible learning arrangement or alteration to the educational | STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary | | | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au/attachment/Forms/AllItems.aspx | 693 | 46 | | | | | | 0 | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au | pdf | False | | pdf | | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au | {74ABF9FA-2A9B-4113-8E73-FE81A668472A} | | | ~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Z1/Skins/CUESearch/DisplayTemplates/Item_PDF.js | 848;15 | 848 |
Upcoming - Mature age student applications procedure | 42330 | | | 30/10/2024 2:05:21 AM | 30/10/2024 2:05:21 AM | Policy and Procedure Register updates – Summary of changes to This procedure was reviewed as part of a routine cyclical review and to provide further clarification on certain | STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary | | | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au/attachment/Forms/AllItems.aspx | 151 | 41 | | | | | | 0 | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au | pdf | False | | pdf | | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au | {83CC8B24-66DD-4DBF-BBBB-A2A6F8A898E9} | | | ~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Z1/Skins/CUESearch/DisplayTemplates/Item_PDF.js | 848;15 | 848 |
Student learning | 8951 | | | 26/02/2021 2:20:42 AM | 26/02/2021 2:20:42 AM | in this subcategory are about learning programs and arrangements, including supporting students with disability, home education, flexible arrangements, work experience, and | STS_ListItem_850 | | | | | | | | | | | 0 | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au | html | False | | aspx | | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au/categories/schools-and-students | {6EE6FD6B-1470-42FD-BD33-7A2FE1C24537} | | | ~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Z1/Skins/CUESearch/DisplayTemplates/Item_Default.js | 846;16 | 846 |
Establishment of an Alternative Learning Program procedure | 15091 | | | 16/02/2022 11:22:10 PM | 16/02/2022 11:22:10 PM | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au/pp/establishment-of-an-alternative-learning-program-procedure 2019 (DoE employees only) for examples of high quality flexible learning environments o | STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary | | | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au/attachment/Forms/AllItems.aspx | 711 | 27 | | | | | | 0 | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au | pdf | False | | pdf | | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au | {CF62F0E7-7F9E-4A8D-A013-64563EBB0D54} | | | ~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Z1/Skins/CUESearch/DisplayTemplates/Item_PDF.js | 848;15 | 848 |
Flexible arrangement with an alternative education provider plan | 15479 | | | 17/05/2023 5:36:00 AM | 17/05/2023 5:36:00 AM | 10, all students are entitled to all eight learning areas of the Australian Curriculum What learning outcome(s) is the proposed flexible arrangement intended to achieve | STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary | | | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au/attachment/Forms/AllItems.aspx | 1429 | 50 | | | | | | 0 | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au | docx | False | | docx | | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au | {9F09132C-5DB2-4864-8A33-BC84ECBDC2D4} | | | ~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Z1/Skins/CUESearch/DisplayTemplates/Item_Word.js | 852;1 | 852 |
Information for parents/students – flexible arrangements | 15350 | | | 17/05/2023 5:38:00 AM | 17/05/2023 5:38:00 AM | Flexible arrangements are usually for a specified time assess the student’s needs, expected learning outcomes from the flexible arrangement, and suitability of the | STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary | | | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au/attachment/Forms/AllItems.aspx | 1730 | 75 | Flexible arrangements involving an alternative education provider – Information for parents/students | 504E1302 | | | | 0 | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au | docx | False | | docx | | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au | {997BD18D-6033-4380-87A1-935ACE48D996} | | | ~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Z1/Skins/CUESearch/DisplayTemplates/Item_Word.js | 852;1 | 852 |
Teacher workforce mobility policy | 9056 | | | 18/02/2022 6:25:14 AM | 18/02/2022 6:25:14 AM | expand the breadth of their capabilities and demonstrate a commitment to lifelong learning a range of practices that support a flexible, mobile teaching workforce across Queensland | STS_ListItem_850 | | | | | | | | | | | 0 | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au | html | False | | aspx | | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au/policiesandprocedures | {FCACD6FE-B0B6-4B01-82A4-6167E8A2E22C} | | | ~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Z1/Skins/CUESearch/DisplayTemplates/Item_Default.js | 846;16 | 846 |
Distance education enrolment and fees procedure | 15083 | | | 2/12/2024 3:12:11 AM | 2/12/2024 3:12:11 AM | of distance education as part of a flexible arrangement as outlined in section 182 of the provide a suitable learning environment, resources and support including access to | STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary | | | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au/attachment/Forms/AllItems.aspx | 1070 | 51 | | | | | | 0 | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au | pdf | False | | pdf | | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au | {69B62CE9-F36A-4142-90B7-1B9F813526A2} | | | ~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Z1/Skins/CUESearch/DisplayTemplates/Item_PDF.js | 848;15 | 848 |