
Search results

Displaying search results 1-10 of 488 for parent
  1. of the scheme is to provide parents a convenient and cost-effective alternative to … or not by completing this form. 11. Where a parent signs up to participate in the SRS they …
  2. of Textbook and Resource Allowance to parents of registered children age equivalent to Years 7 to 12 (parents will be contacted by the Home Education Unit in …
  3. Page 1 of 11 Uncontrolled copy … parents/carers when the school's SRS will be discussed at their P&C meeting or provide all parents/carers with the opportunity to provide input …
  4. Parents of students who depart the school during the year are entitled to a pro-rata … and clearly demonstrate this reduction to parents. Parents of students eligible to receive the ……
  5. Page 1 of 3 Version: 1.6 A … as the contact for the student and parent while the suspension is in effect and ensures student and parent are advised of the contact information for ……
  6. with continued follow up as practicable with parents. Schools and regions may need to work closely with other agencies to support parents to meet their obligations in regard to ……
  7. 2. Seek further information from the parent … a member of the school team to manage the parent/s’ requests such as meeting with parent/s regarding their request and liaising with ……
  8. VFC request with principal, representing parent views on the appropriateness of the request and the ability of parents in the school community to make a financial ……
  9. are also committed to working with parents to ensure students with disability can achieve … and make decisions about requests from parents for NDIS providers to deliver NDIS supports ……
  10. Parent/s may choose to apply to enrol their child in a state special school … /s to liaise with parent/s considering or making an application for enrolment to a state ……