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Mature age student applications procedure87641/07/2024 5:45:54 AM1/07/2024 5:45:54 AMProspective mature age students peruse the Information for adults considering enrolment at a mature age state school prior to applying for enrolment as a mature age student STS_ListItem_85056400{13AA68E3-E990-412E-AF75-7CFBE675A808}~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Z1/Skins/CUESearch/DisplayTemplates/Item_Default.js846;16846
Prospective mature age student criminal history check consent form157531/07/2024 5:15:00 AM1/07/2024 5:15:00 AMIf you wish to access or for the enrolment of a person over the age of 18 years as a mature age student at a mature age state school must include the applicant’s consent for STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary Notice;PART A;SCHOOL DETAILS (MUST BE COMPLETED BY THE SCHOOL);PART B;APPLICANT DETAILS (MUST BE COMPLETED BY THE APPLICANT);PART C;APPLICANT DECLARATION (MUST BE COMPLETED AND SIGNED BY THE APPLICANT);TO BE COMPLETED BY PRINCIPAL OR DELEGATE:51DE9574;3417FCA1;17437FD0;5089480F;3D9E57EB;0108BBB8;471638FE;3E0FF3D10{15CE7FC9-64DF-472B-9E42-E3482EA554E6}~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Z1/Skins/CUESearch/DisplayTemplates/Item_Word.js852;1852
Application for student enrolment form1514220/07/2022 2:32:01 AM20/07/2022 2:32:01 AMFor prospective mature age students, proof of identity supplied and copied* Yes No Prospective mature age students must provide photographic identification which STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{C48FBBFF-9D6E-44DF-85B6-C630566A0811}~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Z1/Skins/CUESearch/DisplayTemplates/Item_PDF.js848;15848
Information for adults considering enrolment at a mature age state school153482/03/2021 11:11:00 PM2/03/2021 11:11:00 PMA prospective mature age student is a person who is 18 years or older and seeking to enrol in a mature age state school hold a student visa (certified copy of visa is required STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{DD0FEB63-F8BD-4087-AF3A-EC483920D335}~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Z1/Skins/CUESearch/DisplayTemplates/Item_Word.js852;1852
Refusal to enrol – Risk to safety or wellbeing procedure894210/11/2023 5:36:57 AM10/11/2023 5:36:57 AMfor refusing the enrolment of a prospective student (including a mature age individual) if they pose an unacceptable to refer the enrolment of a prospective student to STS_ListItem_8500{3D998A10-02A3-421C-83E1-1A806F5051AA}~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Z1/Skins/CUESearch/DisplayTemplates/Item_Default.js846;16846
Fact sheet – Refusal to enrol – Risk to safety or wellbeing153241/02/2023 4:35:23 AM1/02/2023 4:35:23 AMbelieves that the enrolment of a prospective student (including a mature age individual) poses an unacceptable risk to police or admissions from the prospective student or STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{74ABF9FA-2A9B-4113-8E73-FE81A668472A}~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Z1/Skins/CUESearch/DisplayTemplates/Item_PDF.js848;15848
List of mature age state schools154514/02/2021 2:20:00 AM4/02/2021 2:20:00 AMThe following state schools are recognised as mature age state schools Register at to STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{7BA7A39C-C154-4956-BD86-ABAE8EA32583}~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Z1/Skins/CUESearch/DisplayTemplates/Item_Word.js852;1852
Mature age student criminal history change notice153124/02/2021 3:10:00 AM4/02/2021 3:10:00 AMThe information will only be used If you are a mature age student enrolled in a mature age state school or a prospective mature age student seeking enrolment in a mature age state STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary Notice;PART C;STUDENT DECLARATION145D3CB3;136B108E;0D66D94D0{6606C01F-26E0-435F-9D1D-9975CE8A7248}~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Z1/Skins/CUESearch/DisplayTemplates/Item_Word.js852;1852
Enrolment in state primary, secondary and special schools procedure903012/07/2024 4:55:19 AM12/07/2024 4:55:19 AMWhere the applicant is over 18 years of age, refer to the Mature age student applications procedure to determine if an application Application for student enrolment form STS_ListItem_8500{0BDCDB4E-5E07-4F04-BCE9-629968E6FF66}~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Z1/Skins/CUESearch/DisplayTemplates/Item_Default.js846;16846
Mature age applicant risk assessment guide1538213/12/2021 3:20:00 AM13/12/2021 3:20:00 AMThis guide is designed to assist mature age state school principals assess if a prospective mature age student poses an unacceptable risk to the safety or How long is it since an STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary assessment;Other relevant information;Refusal to enrol – Risk to safety or wellbeing 2ABAEBD4;0DE3F5CD;5EC01C0F0{BD3B87B9-6636-43A7-81F1-D62A8DE8B9D4}~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Z1/Skins/CUESearch/DisplayTemplates/Item_Word.js852;1852

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