Teacher housing application form | 15800 | | | 9/05/2023 5:14:29 AM | 9/05/2023 5:14:29 AM | Do you or any household members have a diverse ability or reasonable adjustment that and Procedure (as amended from time to time). 7. I declare that I have read and understand | STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary | | | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au/attachment/Forms/AllItems.aspx | 1765 | 56 | | | | | | 0 | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au | pdf | False | | pdf | | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au | {D71521BF-9023-453B-ADD9-78C0E6D9EEBF} | | | ~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Z1/Skins/CUESearch/DisplayTemplates/Item_PDF.js | 848;15 | 848 |
Upcoming - Mature age student applications procedure | 42330 | | | 30/10/2024 2:05:21 AM | 30/10/2024 2:05:21 AM | : • have a student visa; or • turned 18 while enrolled in school and they are a continuing history check by the QPS. If they have not previously been refused enrolment at a mature | STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary | | | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au/attachment/Forms/AllItems.aspx | 260 | 53 | | | | | | 0 | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au | pdf | False | | pdf | | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au | {83CC8B24-66DD-4DBF-BBBB-A2A6F8A898E9} | | | ~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Z1/Skins/CUESearch/DisplayTemplates/Item_PDF.js | 848;15 | 848 |
Donations and bequests procedure | 14995 | | | 11/06/2024 6:22:08 AM | 11/06/2024 6:22:08 AM | to ensure you have the most current version of this document. Donations and bequests This procedure outlines the responsibilities and processes for Department of Education (the | STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary | | | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au/attachment/Forms/AllItems.aspx | 687 | 15 | | | | | | 0 | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au | pdf | False | | pdf | | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au | {C0438B39-B484-401E-A758-DDAE3F6F8680} | | | ~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Z1/Skins/CUESearch/DisplayTemplates/Item_PDF.js | 848;15 | 848 |
Conflict of interest policy | 15167 | | | 22/10/2024 3:02:06 AM | 22/10/2024 3:02:06 AM | Employees must identify and declare an interest that could influence, or be must fully disclose their interests that may have an influence on, or be perceived to have influence on | STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary | | | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au/attachment/Forms/AllItems.aspx | 1320 | 99 | | | | | | 0 | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au | pdf | False | | pdf | | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au | {76DF42A1-CB1C-4889-9713-CB232394A9A2} | | | ~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Z1/Skins/CUESearch/DisplayTemplates/Item_PDF.js | 848;15 | 848 |
Change of personal details form | 15055 | | | 28/04/2022 5:05:00 AM | 28/04/2022 5:05:00 AM | Do any household members have a diverse ability or reasonable adjustment that requires I declare that I have read and understand the FBT advice and the Privacy Statement below | STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary | | | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au/attachment/Forms/AllItems.aspx | 513 | 30 | CHANGE OF PERSONAL DETAILS FORM | 07711A1F | | | | 0 | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au | docx | False | | docx | | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au | {F34B7B7E-BFF4-4476-93B0-C55343B29366} | | | ~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Z1/Skins/CUESearch/DisplayTemplates/Item_Word.js | 852;1 | 852 |
Notification of other employment form | 15732 | | | 19/08/2021 5:19:00 AM | 19/08/2021 5:19:00 AM | I hereby declare that I have received and considered this notification of other employment designed to be a definitive tool in determining what is or is not a relevant interest and | STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary | | | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au/attachment/Forms/AllItems.aspx | 13889 | 1239 | Notification of other employment ;(including volunteering) declaration;Monitor and Review | | | | | 0 | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au | docx | False | | docx | | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au | {01D475D8-C71E-4C71-B749-275A0907C571} | | | ~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Z1/Skins/CUESearch/DisplayTemplates/Item_Word.js | 852;1 | 852 |
Dual enrolment of students with disability in state and non-state schools | 14996 | | | 2/02/2021 12:46:00 AM | 2/02/2021 12:46:00 AM | boxes below to indicate the criteria have been met and attach all relevant documentation what is most likely to achieve the best learning outcomes for the student | STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary | | | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au/attachment/Forms/AllItems.aspx | 1031 | 66 | | | | | | 0 | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au | docx | False | | docx | | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au | {FC64DE5C-A0EE-4BBE-93A0-0D0ED9FAA4D6} | | | ~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Z1/Skins/CUESearch/DisplayTemplates/Item_Word.js | 852;1 | 852 |
Claim illegal entry advice form (EQ38) | 15234 | | | 12/02/2021 1:19:00 AM | 12/02/2021 1:19:00 AM | SEND CLAIM FORM TO:
Post: PO Box ■ # What steps have been taken to prevent a recurrence Declaration: I hereby declare that the particulars of this claim are a true and faithful | STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary | | | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au/attachment/Forms/AllItems.aspx | 216 | 21 | | | | | | 0 | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au | docx | False | | docx | | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au | {8A293AAE-E7A6-4A7D-983B-A09940D13828} | | | ~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Z1/Skins/CUESearch/DisplayTemplates/Item_Word.js | 852;1 | 852 |
Change of personal details for home education | 15054 | | | 29/01/2021 5:36:00 AM | 29/01/2021 5:36:00 AM | For example, if court orders relating to a child have been issued, a copy of the new or Do you give authorisation for the Home Education Unit to provide information regarding | STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary | | | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au/attachment/Forms/AllItems.aspx | 3449 | 107 | Name of applicant parent (current details);Name of child registered for home education (current details);Parent’s name (if changed);3.1 Applicant parent’s new name;3.2 Additional person;Child’s details (if changed);Revised address/contact details (if changed);Child’s usual place of residence (if changed);Place of home education (if changed);Details of who will provide the home education (if changed);Child’s teacher;New or revised court orders;Other court orders;Declaration;Checklist;Checklist | 00F8C454;6D8CCA63;451D84ED;18815E74;0435A8CE;02FF83F1;6423CCFB;2A14D090;4755AC47;4EC4B50A;6B621AB2;5E6BB7C0;33138740;7C1EBE98;42248898;0E98FD5F | | | | 0 | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au | docx | False | | docx | | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au | {A630097E-7ACE-4CDC-BC3B-C1A86714D351} | | | ~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Z1/Skins/CUESearch/DisplayTemplates/Item_Word.js | 852;1 | 852 |
Application for registration for home education | 15225 | | | 29/01/2021 5:35:00 AM | 29/01/2021 5:35:00 AM | Under the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 (Qld) (the ‘Act’) home education is If you have any questions about this application form or process, or require assistance | STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary | | | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au/attachment/Forms/AllItems.aspx | 4638 | 254 | Lodgement;Details of parent applying to home educate a child;Additional person (not mandatory);Details of the child to be home educated;Child’s details;Previous name;Child’s usual place of residence;Place of home education;Court orders;Other court orders;Educational details of the child to be home educated;Details of who will provide the home education;Child’s teacher;Summary of the child’s educational program;Child’s educational program;Statutory declaration;Application checklist;Checklist | 05B19A5E;34BB4A3F;63D952FD;031211BF;673F8268;3517E5DF;1FE6E6A6;00D029CA;3D76AE7C;7CFED7B2;689940B4;2CC99DDF;4DBA49A7;336435F9;2677702B;3CA6D23E;0D79F856;1B38B876 | | | | 0 | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au | docx | False | | docx | | https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au | {AF7E3DFE-C786-41E5-B245-749213A5BC93} | | | ~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Z1/Skins/CUESearch/DisplayTemplates/Item_Word.js | 852;1 | 852 |