
School performance procedure

Version number 1.4 | Version effective 13 March 2024
School performance procedure


All state schools


This procedure sets out the roles, responsibilities and processes for evaluating and improving school performance across the Department of Education (the department).  


All state schools are required to implement processes to evaluate and improve school performance, in accordance with the requirements and principles of the School performance policy.

This procedure and the Schedule of annual actions, timelines and additional information (Schedule of actions) details the responsibilities for individuals and partners in enacting the four prescribed school performance processes, which are school performance planning, monitoring, reviewing and reporting.

School performance planning: Schools engage collaboratively with their community to provide clarity, direction and focus for the school, to shape everyday actions and to foster ongoing improvement. School performance planning is documented in the following school performance plans:

  • School Strategic Plan (every four years)
  • Annual Implementation Plan (annually)
  • School Data Plan, as an appendix to the Annual Implementation Plan (annually)

Monitoring: Schools regularly and collaboratively monitor the implementation and impacts of long- and short-term plans and the school budget to ensure enacted plans and budgets continue to meet the needs of the students and the school.

Reviewing: The department, through School and Region Reviews (SRR) branch, provides information about school actions and processes at particular points in time to inform future planning, encourage ongoing learning and facilitate communication with, and between, stakeholders.

Reporting: Schools provide access to an Annual Report and produce and share other reports associated with grants and targeted funds, promoting public trust and confidence in school operations.


All stakeholders:



  • high expectations for the learning, wellbeing and engagement, and building of culture and inclusion of all students, and a focus on equity and excellence underpins school performance planning, monitoring, reviewing and reporting processes
  • each student's needs are known to support confident transitions into and through school for positive schooling outcomes and post-school pathways
  • stakeholders are identified and engaged
  • plans are evidence-informed and aligned, completed and submitted as specified in the Schedule of annual actions; and current, accessible and retained in OneSchool according to the General Retention and Disposal Schedule
  • effective and efficient measures and processes to manage student safety and wellbeing, workplace health and safety, information security, infrastructure, workforce management, financial sustainability and procurement are in place, including internal audit (DoE employees only) information and resources as appropriate
  • implementation and impacts of plans are monitored
  • the school budget is aligned with plans, is monitored quarterly and adjusted as required
  • stakeholders participate in SRR school reviews and Internal Audit school-based reviews as required
  • decisions made through monitoring activities inform updates to and renewals of plans and budgets
  • key improvement strategies from the school review are considered as part of subsequent school performance planning processes
  • kindergarten is considered and included in school performance planning, monitoring, reviewing and reporting processes by schools that deliver a kindergarten program
  • information is made available according to the Schedule of collections (DoE employees only)
  • school performance plan priorities are considered within their annual performance review process and whole-school professional learning.
  • advocates (through the school supervisor) for region and system support to enable ongoing school improvement
  • ensures the school annual report is accurate (and provides any desired edits) prior to its auto-upload by PMR.

Other school leaders and teachers:

  • participate in school performance planning (including budgeting), monitoring, reviewing and reporting as appropriate to their role and the school context
  • fulfil specified responsibilities as part of school performance planning (including budgeting), monitoring, reviewing and reporting processes
  • support and enact school performance plans and budget actions
  • consider school performance plan priorities within their annual performance review process.

Business Managers and administration staff:

  • assist the principal in preparing, coordinating and monitoring the school budget.

School Council (if established):

  • provides advice about strategic matters
  • approves the school’s plans and policies that are of a strategic nature
  • approves the budget for the school
  • monitors the school’s strategic direction
  • monitors implementation and impacts of short- and long-term plans.

Local Consultative Committee (if established):

  • provides advice that is inclusive and representative of stakeholders, on request
  • is involved in the co-design and development of the School Data Plan
  • is consulted on changes made to the School Data Plan through monitoring activities.

Parents and Citizens’ Association (P&C) (if established):

  • participates in school performance planning, monitoring, reviewing and reporting if requested by the principal
  • is consulted on the planned use of financial and/or other resources included in the budget that have been provided by the P&C for the benefit of students at the school.

School Supervisor:

  • ensures the principal understands the requirements of the School performance policy and this procedure
  • oversees the principal's collaborative development of strategic and annual plans to achieve school and system goals, and to foster sustained improvement
  • ensures principal accountability for performance outcomes achieved by the school through planning, monitoring, reviewing and reporting processes
  • ensures the principal understands the requirements for schools that deliver a kindergarten program
  • approves short- and long-term plans, if a School Council is not established
  • monitors the alignment of the school performance to systemwide priorities
  • brokers differentiated support from regions and system for the planning, implementation, and monitoring of school performance
  • participates in and communicates feedback from regional performance reviews to inform school performance and ongoing improvement.

Regional Director:

  • oversees regional support for evaluation and improvement of school performance
  • ensures principals, school supervisors and regional support teams understand the requirements for schools that deliver a kindergarten program
  • co-ensures the needs-based identification, scheduling and designation of SRR review types of schools
  • provides input as part of the risk-based assessment for internal audits
  • participates in and communicates feedback from regional performance reviews to inform school performance and ongoing improvement.

School and Region Reviews (SRR):

  • co-ensures the needs-based identification, scheduling and designation of SRR school review types
  • conducts, or supports (for school-led review types), SRR school reviews
  • communicates findings of SRR school reviews
  • conducts validation visit (for school-led review types) to validate process and affirmations, and confirm school findings and improvement strategies
  • conducts emergent reviews (which usually occur outside a school's 4-year cycle), on request from the Minister, Director-General, Associate Director-General, Early Childhood and State Schools, Deputy Director-General, Schools and Student Support or Regional Directors.

Internal Audit Branch:

  • provides services to schools to ensure that adequate controls are in place through effective and efficient processes to manage student safety, workplace health and safety, information security, infrastructure, workforce management, financial sustainability and procurement.

Performance, Monitoring and Reporting:

  • provides and uploads (after schools have made edits if desired) a pre-populated School Annual Report (SAR) for the school
  • uploads, in collaboration with Information Technologies Branch, the Next Step post-school destinations summary report to the websites of schools providing Senior Secondary education.

Early Childhood Division:

  • provides information and services to regional teams and SRR who support schools that deliver a kindergarten program to ensure:
    • adequate controls are in place, through effective and efficient processes, to meet legislative requirements
    • kindergarten is embedded in service delivery and school performance planning, including curriculum, teaching and learning.


School performance planning, monitoring, reviewing and reporting processes are guided by the principles of the School performance policy, and enacted according to the steps below and the content and timelines in the Schedule of annual actions.

School performance planning

  1. The principal considers the purpose of school performance planning to be undertaken – for example, the strategic and operational context of the school and community – and:
  • determines and engages who needs to be involved within the process
  • communicates the role/s and responsibility/ies of those involved within the process, appropriate to their role and identified responsibilities
  • identifies relevant evidence and makes it accessible to responsible persons in the planning process, for example:
    • departmental strategic documents
    • other plans that may be informed by or may inform planning
    • K-12 curriculum, assessment and reporting framework
    • information pertaining to the learning, wellbeing and engagement of current, past and prospective students
    • research that deeply and directly connects with locally identified opportunities for improving student wellbeing, engagement and achievement
    • the perspectives of the community, including students attending the school
    • key improvement strategies from SRR school reviews
    • evaluation of transition programs gathered from relevant stakeholders, including students and families
    • information and resources provided by Internal Audit Branch about managing student safety, workplace health and safety, information security, infrastructure, workforce management, financial sustainability and procurement
  • determines engagement activities and protocols, within overall planning timelines, needed to
    • ensure the ethical evaluation of evidence
    • enable perspectives to be heard and recognised.
  1. The principal organises the documentation of informed, aligned, viable and fit-for-purpose plans that reflect agreed outcomes from school planning processes and contain methods of evaluation appropriate to the purpose of the plan.
  2. The principal organises approvals relevant to the plan and the school from the School Council (if established) or school supervisor.
  3. The principal ensures documents are retained in OneSchool according to the General Retention and Disposal Schedule for the required time after the plan is superseded.
  4. The principal communicates to those involved in the process the responsibilities of others in the implementation of, monitoring of, and reporting on outcomes (reporting relates to outcomes from allocated funds).


  1. The principal ensures monitoring of short- and long-term plans, the school budget and allocated resources are, at a minimum, enacted according to methods of evaluation and the schedule detailed in the plan (for the school budget, occurring at least quarterly).
  2. The principal and identified stakeholders provide information to facilitate monitoring related to their responsibilities within plans, budgets and allocated resources. This information may include:
  • the implementation of planned activities
  • intended and unintended short- or long-term impacts
  • revenue and expenditure, for example, actual against planned
  • the availability of new opportunities (for example, funding, partnerships and professional learning)
  • changes in school-level conditions impacting on priorities and planned activities
  • impact of the use of differentiated support (including but not limited to, support brokered by the school supervisor).
  1. The principal ensures that information regarding workload or viability of plans that results from monitoring is used in consultation with identified stakeholders.
  2. The principal ensures decisions made as a result of monitoring are documented.
  3. The principal ensures communication of budget information relevant to the school context to identified stakeholders on an as required basis.
  4. The principal ensures that the school supervisor is kept informed about findings from the monitoring of short- and long-term plan implementation.
  5. The principal ensures agreement is reached on actions arising from monitoring. These actions may include:
  • continuing, adapting or terminating planned activities
  • changing priorities, establishing new activities and methods of evaluation
  • changing or re-allocating expenditure. Adjustments to the school budget, if necessary, are made no later than the quarterly review of the budget.
  • requests for the school supervisor to broker differentiated support from regions or the system.
  1. The principal uses findings from monitoring of short- and long-term plans to request the school supervisor to broker differentiated support from regions and the system.


  1. The SRR and Regional Director conduct the needs-based identification, scheduling and designation of review types for schools for the following calendar year, and communicate with schools being reviewed.
  2. The principal provides school contacts for staff involved in the review. 
  3. The SRR conducts or supports the review according to the review designation and schedule; and finalises the review and communicates findings.
  4. The principal organises for the School Review Executive Summary (school review) or SRR-led validation report (school-led review) to be published on the school’s website.
  5. The principal organises a school self-assessment (optional).
  6. The principal debriefs the school review outcomes and the intended school response to the review with the school supervisor.

Reporting (school annual report)

  1. Each year in Term 2, the Performance, Monitoring and Reporting (PMR) team provides state schools* with a pre-populated school annual report template that fulfils the mandatory requirements of the Annual Reporting Policy for all Queensland schools.
  2. The principal may add information to the pre-populated school annual report template.
  3. The school annual report is automatically published by PMR onto the school’s website before the end of Term 2.

*Outdoor and Environmental Education Centres are not required to publish a School Annual Report.

Reporting (other)

  1. By 30 September each year, PMR, in collaboration with Information Technologies Branch, uploads a Next Step post-school destinations summary report to the website of schools providing senior secondary education that have five or more responses to the Year 12 Completers survey.
  2. Reporting against specific grants and targeted funds for recipient schools – the audience, format, frequency and content – is determined by the funding provider.




Annual Implementation Plan

An AIP documents the school’s explicit improvement agenda over 12 months in relation to the priorities in the School Strategic Plan, and provides information about the actions to be undertaken and planned methods of evaluation. The AIP may also document the content, mode and timing of professional learning designed to support and sustain changes associated with addressing school improvement priorities within plans, and mandatory staff professional development. The AIP may also include information on how innovations are being trialled and how continuity of learning is maintained. The School Data Plan is included as an appendix to the AIP.


Indicate readiness for implementation or publication.


All partners and school personnel (see also – Partners).


Indicate support for (plan or budget).

Explicit Improvement Agenda

A domain within the School Improvement Tool, and Explicit Improvement Agenda is not a separate or additional short- or long-term school performance plan. It is documented within the School Strategic Plan and the Annual Implementation Plan.


The collective actions planned to achieve positive changes in learning, engagement and wellbeing and build culture and inclusion. These may include, but are not limited to, professional learning, consultation and decision-making processes, resource or infrastructure development, events and activities.


A part-time early childhood education program for children in the year before Prep.

Long-term plan

School performance plans with an implementation period of greater than 12 months. This is the School Strategic Plan.

Methods of evaluation

The way/s in which the plan, or initiatives within the plan, will be monitored. These can include:

  • process evaluations to understand whether plans/initiatives are being implemented as intended, including what is working more or less well and why
  • impact evaluations to understand what changes have occurred, the size or scale of those changes and the extent to which they can be attributed to the plan/initiatives.

Other School Leaders

Stream 2 (Heads of Program) and Stream 3 (Deputy Principals and HOSES) in the Department of Education State School Teachers' Certified Agreement 2022, school-based administrative officers (AO8) in the Department of Education Certified Agreement and school-based senior officers (AO8 and above) in the Senior Officers – Employment conditions.


Partners are the people, businesses or organisations with whom schools establish and sustain strategic relationships – partnerships – in order to provide students or staff with access to experiences, support and intellectual and/or physical resources not available within the school.

Parents, carers, kinship and families, including students, are recognised as integral partners in education.


The strategic relationships schools establish and maintain with partners.


Short- and long-term school performance plans.


The person in charge of a State instructional institution and accountable officer for school performance planning (including school budgeting), monitoring, reviewing and reporting.

School Supervisor

The Level 2 Reporting Officer, as indicated on the School profile overview page in the Department of Education Schools Directory (note: appears immediately above ‘Contact details’).

Schedule of annual actions, timelines and additional information

Documents the required actions and timeframes for school performance planning, monitoring, reviewing and reporting.

School budget

An annual estimation of revenue and expenditure, monitored quarterly and adjusted as required in response to monitoring information and decision making.

School Council

A school partner; an established School Council must:

  • comply with the establishment, name, functions and other matters described in Chapter 6, Parts 1–10 of the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006
  • be recorded in School Information Collection (Term 2, annually).

School data plan

Schools are required to maintain a variety of data according to the Schedule of collections. The school data plan documents this data - at a minimum it includes reference to the mandatory data sets associated with teaching and learning and outlines the ethical use of the data sets within the plan. It indicates how data will be used to inform practice aligned with student learning and wellbeing; school improvement and strategic planning.

School data plans are developed annually and included as an appendix to the AIP.

School performance plans

School performance plans is an overarching name for all planning documents and processes. They are the point-in-time physical or digital (or both) records of intended or enacted school performance planning. They have a range of purposes and durations.

School Strategic Plan

The School Strategic Plan (informed by the most recent school review) is the school’s succinct statement to its community about what the school wants to achieve in the future and how it plans to get there. School Strategic Plans include descriptions of:

  • the vision and purpose of education in the local context (often referred to as philosophy in the early years)
  • the values that students, staff and community are expected to demonstrate
  • what the school is going to focus on over the next four years, with associated targets (the explicit improvement agenda)
  • how the school is going to do this (strategies and resourcing).

Short-term plan

Plans with an implementation period less than 12 months. This is the Annual Implementation Plan which includes the School Data Plan (as an appendix).


Individuals and groups (for example, school personnel, partners and other representatives of the community) performing a role or having a responsibility within school performance planning, monitoring (and enacting plans), reviewing and reporting processes (see also – Partners, Community).

State Delivered Kindergarten (SDK)

The program under which state schools operate face-to-face kindergarten in either a composite or non-composite class setting.

State schools (schools)

Institutions funded by the State of Queensland that provide:

  • primary, secondary or special education to persons enrolled at the institution, or to persons enrolled at other state schools; and/or
  • face-to-face kindergarten programs delivered through a State Delivered Kindergarten. 

State schools include Schools of Distance Education, Community Schools, Educational Units, Specific Purpose Schools, Outdoor and Environmental Education Centres, and schools accredited with the Council of International Schools.


Any person who is enrolled or attends a state school, and for the purposes of this procedure, includes a kindergarten age child registered in a State Delivered Kindergarten.


The social process of continuity and change, unique to each student and their family, which occurs over time — from home to early childhood and care settings, into school, from primary to secondary (across every phase of learning), between schools, and from secondary to post-school destinations (further education, training and employment).


Ability to work successfully.



Other resources

School performance planning



Superseded versions

Previous seven years shown. Minor version updates not included.

1.0       School performance procedure

Review date

12 July 2024
Attribution CC BY

Policies and procedures in this group

  • School performance procedure (current page)