School security procedure
This procedure outlines a consistent approach for principals to identify security risks at schools, develop strategies to reduce the likelihood of security incidents and mitigate the impact of incidents on school operations.
The department is committed to providing safe, secure and supportive school environments for students, staff and the school community. Security related incidents can impact negatively on school operations, and it is critical that school principals identify and manage security risks to people and property. The department provides schools with advice and support to develop strategies to mitigate security risks which suit the diverse needs of schools, and can function within operational, financial and policy provisions.
School staff
- Be aware of their workplace/school security responsibilities
- Remain alert to suspicious behaviour or potential unauthorised persons on site and report to the Administration. Outside of business hours staff should contact Protective Services (07 3224 6666) and also Policelink (131 444) if a crime has been committed. In the event of an emergency, staff should call Triple zero (000)
- Report any known security related threat or risk to the principal
- Comply with school based security guidelines as required for physical school security, electronic security, staff security (personal and property), key management, visitor management, and reporting security breaches.
- Conduct a security risk assessment at least once per year, or in response to events and changes to the school environment as outlined in the process section of this document
- Develop and implement strategies to mitigate risks identified as part of the security risk assessment
- Develop locally applicable guidelines about school security matters affecting staff, students, visitors, contractors, and other members of the school community as outlined in the process section of this document
- Establish a list of staff responsible for relevant security practices including securing of buildings and intruder detection system maintenance
- Ensure criminal activity committed by unauthorised persons on school grounds is reported to the Queensland Police Service, (Policelink (131 444) for non-urgent matters or Triple zero (000) in an emergency)
- Ensure all security incidents, including minor level unauthorised entry to school grounds and those events not reported to Queensland Police, are reported to Protective Services as soon as possible, as outlined in the process section of this document.
Regional Directors (or Delegate/s)
- Work with principals to ensure security guidelines are implemented and security concerns are reported to the Disaster, Emergency and School Security Unit (DESS), Infrastructure Services Branch
- Develop regional partnerships with agencies/business units such as the Queensland Police Service, including Protective Services to deliver security benefits to schools.
Disaster, Emergency and School Security Unit, Infrastructure Services Branch
- Develop and implement procedures and guidelines to support school security requirements
- Develop, maintain and operate partnerships with agencies/business units such as the Queensland Police Service, including a Memorandum of Understanding with Protective Services (DoE employees only), for delivery of security services to schools
- Manage delivery of services such as alarm monitoring, security patrols and static security presences where required
- Facilitate School Security Advisors supplied by Protective Services, to provide advice and on-site support to regions and schools on security management strategies
- Manage the data from reported security incidents to undertake the annual school security risk rating assessment process as outlined in the process section of this document.
Identifying, evaluating and treating security risks
Principals must:
- Identify school security risks:
- Conduct and document additional security risk assessments as required:
- in preparation for major events;
- in response to critical incidents;
- if there has been a significant change to the school community and surrounding physical environment;
- upon completion of new security installations;
- upon completion of new blocks or facilities; and
- in response to the installation of new information technology facilities.
(refer to Fact sheet 1 - Conducting a security risk assessment for more information)
- Analyse, assess and evaluate identified security risks:
- Treat identified security risks:
- Develop and prioritise appropriate security risk management strategies in consultation with the relevant School Security Advisor (DoE employees only)
- Develop a Security risk management action plan, detailing identified security risks, mitigation strategies, action items, milestone dates, resources required and the responsible action officer
- Implement strategies as detailed in the Security risk management plan to address identified security risks (these strategies are to be included in the school’s annual facilities planning)
- Monitor and review risks:
Day-to-day school security management
Principals must:
- Establish and implement guidelines for visitor management during school hours (refer to Fact sheet 2 - Developing security guidelines at schools for more information)
- Ensure processes are established to secure all school buildings, including windows and access gates, outside of school operating hours
- Ensure the intruder detection system is fully armed when the school is unattended (if installed)
- Ensure there is a process and nominated agency for response to intruder alarms and security incidents outside of business hours, and that this is communicated to Protective Services
- Ensure there are nominated officer(s) to manage significant security events after-hours, including school holidays, and that relevant contact details are provided to Protective Services
- Forward details of any authorised users of school facilities and/or scheduled after hours activities to Protective Services, sending updates as required
- Ensure authorised users have sufficient instruction to secure facilities after use, and to correctly disarm and arm the intruder detection system.
Reporting security incidents
Principals must:
- Ensure ALL security incidents, including minor level unauthorised entry to school grounds and those events not reported to Queensland Police, are reported to Protective Services as soon as possible (via email or by phone on (07) 3224 6666) to ensure an accurate Security Risk Rating (refer to Fact sheet 3 - Reporting security incidents for more information).
Security risk rating assessment
Disaster, Emergency and School Security Unit, Infrastructure Services Branch, must:
- Record data from security incidents at schools reported to Protective Services
- At least annually, analyse the incident type, impact and frequency of reported security incidents over the previous two years to assign a security risk rating of low, medium, high or extreme to each school.
Closed circuit television.
Security risk
A person or situation that presents a possible security threat to people or property.
Risk assessment
A structured process to determine and contextualise any identified threats to a school’s objectives.
Protective Services
Unit within Operations Support Command in the Queensland Police Service, responsible for provision of security services to Queensland Government clients (formerly known as State Government Security).
Authorised user
Any non-DoE person or group that has written notice from the principal outlining permission to be on school grounds outside of business hours, use school facilities, or hold events within school grounds/facilities.
Other resources
Superseded versions
Previous seven years shown. Minor version updates not included.
3.0 School security