
Annual school banding and position classification evaluation for principals and heads of special education services (HOSES) procedure

Version number 3.0 | Version effective 14 June 2018
Annual school banding and position classification evaluation for principals and heads of special education services (HOSES) procedure


All state schools


To outline the process for annual school banding and subsequent position classification evaluations of principals and heads of special education services (HOSES) in accordance with the Teaching in State Education Award – State 2016.


A schools banding may change dependent on a number of factors, including school enrolment benchmarks and complexity. Classification levels for principals and HOSES are based on school bands.

HR Branch conducts an annual review, after day 8 validations, of school bandings and consequent position classifications for principal and HOSES to ensure ongoing appropriateness.


Principals and HOSES

  • Understand that all principal and HOSES position classifications will be considered through an annual evaluation review.
  • Engage with the evaluation process in good faith.
  • Provide the Evaluation Review Committee (ERC) with accurate information as requested.

Evaluation Review Committee (ERC)

  • Consider individual applications for position classification evaluation.
  • Ensure consistent classification determinations or amendments.
  • Endorse final recommendations prior to submission of the annual ERC report to the Assistant Director-General, Human Resources.

HR Branch

  • Identify positions to be reviewed in the annual evaluation process.
  • Recommends to the ERC an appropriate school band and position classification for role reviewed.
  • Provide Regional Human Resource Business Partnering with the ERC recommendations for discussion with their Regional Directors.
  • Submit annual ERC report, incorporating recommendations and comments by Regional Directors, to the Assistant Director-General, Human Resources for approval.

Regional Human Resource Business Partnering / local HR team

  • Support principals and HOSES to make applications for individual position classification evaluations to be included in the annual review process.
  • Liaise with HR Branch regarding applications made by individuals.
  • Discuss the recommended outcomes from the ERC with Regional Directors and provide any feedback to HR Branch.

Regional Directors

  • Review all individual applications for positions to be included in the annual position classification review process and endorse as appropriate.
  • Provide comment on the recommendations prior to the outcomes being submitted to the Assistant Director-General, Human Resources.

Assistant Director-General, Human Resources (ADG HR)

  • Review and approve recommendations provided in the annual ERC Report.


This process should be read in conjunction with the annual school banding and position classification evaluation methodology factsheet.

1. Identification of school band & position classification

The HR Branch uses the day 8 validations to identify the appropriate school band and position classification, based on:

  • Job evaluation
    The position’s total evaluation score is derived from assessing the three job evaluation elements (expertise, judgement and accountability). Refer to sections 1 and 2 of the annual school banding and position classification evaluation methodology factsheet for further information.
  • Enrolment benchmarks
    Refer to section 3 of the annual school banding and position classification evaluation methodology factsheet for further information.
    Consideration of enrolments includes cross-checking current year enrolment figures against positions which had been flagged to be included in review (‘on notice’ or ‘monitor for upgrade’). Where there has been a sustained trend realised for school this would indicate a possible amendment (i.e. up banding or down banding).
  • Complexity
    Refer to section 4 of the annual school banding and position classification evaluation methodology factsheet for further information.

Positions are compared with benchmarked positions of similar educational sector, curriculum offerings, community, geographic location/environment and HR Branch  determines if a variation to the current position classification is required i.e. if the position needs to be re-classified in accordance with the Teaching in State Education Award – State 2016 (s12.3.6).

HR Branch prepares a draft list of recommendations of principals and HOSES positions requiring review. 

Principals and HOSES may request during term one for their position to be evaluated by the ERC. To make an application for individual position evaluation a principal or HOSES must:

  1. Contact their local HR team to discuss the reasons for the request to evaluate and request a copy of the application form if appropriate. 
  2. Complete the application form questionnaire accurately.
  3. Send the completed form to their local HR team for endorsement by the Regional Director.

2. Consultation

After compilation of the draft list, HR Branch may obtain further information as required to make an informed recommendation regarding a position evaluation.

HR Branch then consults with the regional HR Business Partnering team by providing:

  • a data listing of positions for inclusions with preliminary recommendations for potential band alteration. This includes highlighting positions which may be considered complex or may be down banded due to two subsequent years below the enrolment threshold.
  • an expected timeline for the annual evaluation process.

The regional HR Business Partnering team will:

  • liaise with Regional Directors to seek their feedback on the draft recommendations.
  • provides all feedback to HR Branch.

3. Review

HR Branch reviews regional feedback provided through consultation.

Based on the outcomes of consultation, the HR Branch submits a draft recommendation containing the following information (as appropriate) to the ERC:

  • draft recommended school band changes
  • individual requested positions which have been preliminarily reviewed
  • feedback received and further information considered through the consultation.

4. Moderate

The ERC members meet to discuss and moderate the draft recommendations and review all information and documentation compiled.

The ERC determinations are established and accepted by all members of the committee and referred to as endorsed recommended outcomes.

5. Approval by ADG HR

The annual ERC report is submitted to the Assistant Director-General, Human Resources for review, to accept and approve, reject or amend the recommended outcomes.

On approval by the Assistant Director-General, Human Resources, HR Branch will consult with relevant regions and HR units to prepare appropriate electronic correspondence and systems advice.




Day 8 validations

On the 8th day of the school year, the department undertakes an enrolment collection and validates the number of students enrolled at each state educational facility and makes recommendations about staffing requirements.

Evaluation Review Committee (ERC)

The Evaluation Review Committee (ERC) comprises of representatives from the Department and the Queensland Teachers’ Union (QTU). Representatives from each of the principal associations are also invited to participate.


Heads of special education services.



Other resources

  • Nil

Superseded versions

Previous seven years shown. Minor version updates not included.

2.0 Classification (Streaming) Information on Principal and other Promotional Teaching Positions

Review date

14 June 2020
Attribution CC BY